Business professionals are encouraged to sign up for the award in gender-based violence support for human resources professionals, a free online accredited course.

Gender-based violence does not discriminate: anyone can be a victim. The reality is that gender-based violence knows no physical boundaries and its effects infiltrate all facets of life.

The award in gender-based violence support for human resources professionals is designed on the understanding that, by implementing comprehensive workplace violence guidelines, you will be encouraging your employees to speak out. By doing so, companies will be taking action to be socially accountable – to itself, its stakeholders and, importantly, its employees.

When such a large part of a person’s life is spent in the workplace, it stands to reason that this setting can be used as a framework of support. In being aware of the impact work has on all aspects of life, organisations can enhance society instead of reinforcing a norm of complacency or contributing negatively. At work, employees can feel more at ease to come forward when they need help, completely assured that their personal circumstances will not be exploited or manipulated in any way.

The free online programme is accredited by the National Commission for Further and Higher Education, with two ECTS credits at EQF/MQF Level 5. It has been specifically designed for people in business – and HR professionals in particular.

The award can be a first step towards evolving of workplace culture and giving victims a voice that can be heard

This is the latest product developed by the Gender-Based Violence – Violet Support Online (GBVSO) project. For the project, CORE Platform – a national partner of CSR Europe – has teamed up with Solidarity and Overseas Service Malta (SOS Malta), Victim Support Malta, the Commission on Gender-Based Violence and Domestic Violence (CDV) and Advenio E-academy (AeA LTD), the course’s awarding body.

Funded by the European Union DG Justice Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme, the GBVSO project aims at creating effective support structures for victims of gender-based violence. HR professionals from across industries are encouraged to participate so as to enhance employees’ well-being and help to prevent violence in all its forms.

The GBVSO project believes that the workplace can be impactful. Anti-violence guidelines in companies can improve workplace culture. They can motivate an environment where gender-based violence victims are supported and can alert their HR manager. The company can help victims overcome what feels like an impossible-to-escape situation.

For professionals, the award can be a first step towards evolving the culture of your workplace and giving victims a voice that can be heard. The curriculum has been designed on the premise that comprehensive support structures, awareness-raising and increasing an organisation’s capacity to respond will help victims feel empowered to speak out.

The lead tutor is Marceline Naudi. A social worker by profession, Naudi is president of the Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) and head of the Department of Gender Studies at the University of Malta.

In England, Ireland and Malta, Naudi has worked with children and young people in care and their families, ex-offenders, homeless people, persons with mental health support needs, and survivors of domestic violence. Joining her on the course will be experts on gender-based violence and HR in Malta.

The course is structured over six weeks, with two core modules. Each module is divided into five sessions that one can follow at their own pace but must be completed within three weeks.

The course combines different learning elements, including audiovisual presentations, reading materials, podcasts, FAQs and self-assessment tests. There are also formal assessment criteria based on participation in online forum sessions, tutorials and workshops and submitted assignments.

The free intake started on January 27 and the course will run until March 13. Application forms are available online at

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