Q: Last year, I bought a complete bathroom set that included the tiles, bath, toilet, sink and vanity unit. When all the items arrived, I noticed that the vanity unit did not fit well in my bathroom. When I had given the bathroom measurements to the seller, I had been assured that the vanity would fit.

When I informed the seller about the problem, the only solution I was offered was a credit note. When I requested a refund, the seller replied that since they had closed their accounts for 2021, they now cannot issue a refund.

A credit note is not a suitable solution for me because the vanity units that the company has are unsuitable for my bathroom layout and I need to have the vanity unit made-to-measure.

Considering my situation, am I entitled to claim a full cash refund from the seller?

A: Since at the time when the sales contract was concluded the seller had assured you that the vanity unit would fit in your bathroom, the seller is legally obliged to provide you with a remedy.

Considering that the vanity chosen cannot be replaced with another suitable model, then legally you may claim a full refund from the seller.

No company policy or accounts issues can deny you your legal rights.

It is important that you make your claim for refund in writing, and if your request is denied, you may then lodge a formal complaint with the Office for Consumer Affairs.

Want to submit your own query? Write to the MCCAA.


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