One of Valletta’s best-known clothing shops, L-Amerikan, closed its doors for the last time this week, stirring up a wave of nostalgia among the capital’s residents and former customers. 

Situated on Republic Street, just a stone’s throw away from St George’s Square, L-Amerikan was run by four successive family generations, according to owner Noel Cachia. 

Taking to Facebook to announce the closure of the shop on Monday, Cachia said his family members would go “rain or shine” to open its doors and welcome everyone to the shop.

“I would like to deeply thank all our loyal customers for continuing to shop at our premises- without you, we wouldn’t have lasted this long. I would also like to express gratitude to all those who in any form or other worked for my family.”

He said he never called them employees but instead extended family members who built the shop’s household name. 

“Even though the sign L-Amerikan will no longer be up on Republic Street, I am sure it will never be forgotten."

And how right he is. 

'Republic Street will never be the same'

Following the announcement, customers and residents took to social media to express their sadness as Valletta loses yet another family business.

Many shared happy memories of buying clothes from Cachia and congratulated him on his retirement. 

“How sad, I used to go to Valletta just for this shop, I would buy many things for my children,” one person commented. 

“My mum bought clothes for me from there and so did I for my little one. It makes me sad to see such local businesses disappear for just international brand names and chains,” said another. 

L-Amerikan was no ordinary clothes shop, but also sold Valletta Football Club merchandise and tickets for the club's matches. 

"Apart from serving as a clothes shop, it also served as a meeting point for many Valletta supporters, a place we could buy tickets for the games, especially European competitions," Mario Dalli, a Valletta resident and one of L-Amerikan's loyal customers said. 

"I am sure that Republic Street will never be the same after the closure of this shop."

Joseph Mifsud, another Valletta resident and member of the Valletta Football club, praised Cachia's dedication and work towards the club. 

"Now is the time for you to rest and enjoy time with your family," Mifsud wrote. 

Similar to the announcement of the closure of two other Valletta household names,  N.Caruana & Sons and Tal-Ħwawar, the news of the closure of this outlet has raised concern about Valletta losing its characteristics. 

Cachia did not say what the future of L-Amerikan will be, and many speculated whether the shop would be replaced by yet another bar, restaurant or boutique hotel.

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