During the run up to the referendum on Malta's accession to membership of the European Union, I wrote a number of letters to The Times to warn of the dangers of such folly and also took a fair bit of flack on these pages for doing so.

One of the things I warned about EU membership was the fact that Malta would lose its freedom and democracy as EU laws, made by people from outside Malta, who Malta has no control over, will override those of Malta made by those you elect who will become impotent politically as all they would be allowed to do by the EU is to rubber stamp its rules and regulations.

So, when I read the letter by Ken Mifsud Bonnici of the European Movement (February 8), an organisation which promotes the EU above the free democracies of the member nations, I could not have wished for more proof that my warnings were not unfounded.

In his letter, Mr Mifsud Bonnici bemoaned the fact that Malta was lagging behind in the implementation of EU laws - as if this were something terrible.

The terrible part for me is the fact that a once independent nation such as Malta now has to do as it is told and introduce over 500 laws dictated to it by the EU.

Why does any nation need to implement so many foreign-inspired new laws to add to the existing plethora of mind boggling EU bureaucracy?

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