Russia was ensnared in a major military crisis on Saturday when the chief of the Wagner mercenary group turned on the country’s military leadership, saying he and his troops were “ready to die”.

Yevgeny Prigozhin said his troops had taken over a key military base in Rostov, southern Russia, and published video from inside the facility.

Vladimir Putin vowed that those behind the “high treason” would be punished and said he had given the “necessary orders” to quell the rebellion.

In a country shrouded in secrecy, social media channels are awash with information about the surprise developments. Here is a selection of posts, photos and video about the uprising.

Vladimir Putin said those behind the rebellion had “betrayed Russia and will pay for it.” But Russia’s president never mention Prigozhen by name in his brief televised address.

Ukrainian news outlet Euromaidan shared a video purportedly showing a Wagner Group convoy moving towards Moscow from Voronezh. The video was unconfirmed, but the UK's Ministry of Defence later appeared to confirm it, saying Wagner units are moving north through Vorenezh Oblast, almost certainly aiming to get to Moscow". 

Video published by Rostov Gazeta on its official Telegram account showed a T-90S tank stuck while trying to pass through an alleyway in the city.

Other videos shared on Twitter showed surreal scenes in the city, as troops set up positions while civilians looked on in puzzlement.

Unconfirmed photos showed Russian troops in the Voronezh region surrendering to Wagner soldiers without a fight.

Russian news outlet FontankaNews reported that Russian troops had raided a building used by Wagner in St Petersburg. Video showed operatives surrounding the building.

Meanwhile, Russian state TV attracted mockery and derision for airing a music show on Saturday morning, as Wagner troops took over Rostov. 

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