Practically from the very beginning of Malta's becoming a member of the United Nations Orgaisation it showed relevance. A kind and level of relevance completely out of proportion to its small size. It is indeed very relevant and respected as such among the biggest and most powerful states. The Law of the Sea and the Climate Zone were originated by Malta. The relevant and necessary activity of these two initiatives earned for Malta the respect usually accorded to the big powerful states.

On May 1 this year Malta became a member of the European Union. We feel more than just related to Europe. We are more than a favourite neighbour. Europe is our country. We are European nationals.

Given these circumstances it can safely be declared that Malta's relevance is equal to those of other European states when sitting round the political, social and economic conference tables of Europe.

Historically and socially we are a European people; bar a relatively short period we have been ruled by the most powerful European nation operating in the Mediterranean area. So that, in fact, together with the southern states of Europe we are concerned with the Mediterranean dimension apart from being Europeans.

Ever since the 1975 Helsinki Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe Malta has insisted on the Mediterranean dimension in the context of the European Union and in the sphere of a Euro-Med geo-political area.

Christianity of Europe

With reference to the inclusion of the concept of Christianity in the European Constitutional Treaty Foreign Minister Michael Frendo declared that "Malta would have certainly appreciated a reference to the Christian heritage of European civilisation. Of course this reference would not have meant that Europe was a Christian club but it simply would have accepted the fact that Christianity, along with other religions, was the major influence of the development of European civilisation... this was lost in the negotiations at a political level, there was no consensus for this and therefore in the end it was not something to hold on to.

Malta stands to gain by being present at the conference table with full debating and voting rights along with the other EU member states. This is a sine qua non of our membership since "Europe has enough decision-making structures which allow it to function as a supranational organisation. This in effect means that it is a union of national states and a union of national peoples."

European relevance

In the view of our Foreign Minister's words, Malta's relevance in Europe is important for it to be translated in terms of wealth and security for our people.

The new concept of national diplomacy, as far as Malta's ambassadors are concerned, is that they must have commercial attachés and tourism secretaries on their staff. These expert staff members must be working on a pro-active agenda to promote tourism, investment, trade and industrial exports from Malta. There has to be full co-operation and collaboration with the relevant ministries and departments. There will have to be full programmes drawn up by experts at the home base with the relevant feedback from the embassies.

Socially, culturally and educationally we stand to gain considerably by exchanges of students, professionals, technologists, academics and industrialists. This two-way traffic has already started and is proceeding very smoothly to the benefit especially of our young people.

The EU is a union of peoples and at the same time a union of states. Malta, though a small state, takes an important part in decision-making.

It is Dr Frendo's considered view that as long as we are committed to the ideals of European integration, of peace, of democracy, of stability and economic prosperity, we will also be committed to ensure that Europe has enough decision-making structures which allow it to function as a supranational organisation.

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