The Malta Institute of Accountants held its 58th annual general meeting on September 30 at the MIA’s head office, during which seven of its members were elected to its council. The members are Fabio Axisa, David Delicata, Jonathan Dingli, Shawn Falzon, Ivan Grixti, Christopher Portelli and Annabelle Zammit Pace.

They join Charmaine Baldacchino, Edmond Brincat, Mark Bugeja, Noel Mizzi, Lucienne Pace Ross and William Spiteri Bailey on the council.

Fellows of the institute participated at this year’s AGM physically for the first time in three years, during which they were also called to vote on a series of statutory changes proposed by the council to improve and strengthen the operations of the same organisation.

Addressing his first AGM as council president, David Delicata gave a run-through of the past 12 months during which the MIA was increasingly involved at a national level, supporting authorities on matters of national policy, through recommendations, feedback and advice, particularly on proposals for new legislation and regulations emanating from international institutions.

Delicata highlighted the MIA’s central role in supporting the National Coordinating Committee during the authorities’ year-long effort to secure a timely exit from the FATF’s greylisting.

“As a result of this contribution, the MIA is becoming every day an even more respected and trusted partner at a national level, strengthening the role of the profession in the process,” he said.

He expressed particular thanks to the MIA members, particularly to the over 100 fellows who take an active role in the institute’s committees and groups to painstakingly go through extensive regulatory proposals, debating and providing feedback which the institute then relays to the authorities. The president explained how, in this context, the MIA seeks to find the right balance with pushing for the necessary regulatory developments while ensuring that this is not unduly prescriptive on the profession.

Delicata referred to other areas in which the MIA is focusing its efforts, including the implementation of ESG standards and the constant challenge relating to the availability of resources. On the latter, he highlighted the MIA’s two-pronged approach, proposing short-term solutions to facilitate the recruitment and retention of third country nationals while investing long term through the recently-launched second edition of the #AccountsforYou campaign.

During the first meeting of the same council held shortly after, the four officers of the council were elected. Delicata was re-elected as president, while Mark Bugeja was elected as vice-president, Lucienne Pace Ross as secretary and Jonathan Dingli as treasurer.

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