The international magazine Modern Poetry in Translation, in collaboration with the National Book Council, has issued a call for submissions of Maltese poetry for their June/July issue.

They invite new translations of poetry originally created by writers in a written or sign language of Malta, on any topic. Languages include Maltese, Maltese sign language and English. They specify that poems in English must be by Maltese poets.

The deadline for submissions is April 13.

MPT was founded in 1965 by Ted Hughes and Daniel Weissbort. The magazine aims to bring together the best new poetry, essays and reviews from around the world, giving a voice to the silenced, exiled and excluded, and creating a diverse and creative community of translators, poets and readers.

Giving a voice to the silenced, exiled and excluded

The magazine’s current editor, Khairani Barokka, will choose the submissions that will eventually make it to publication. Everyone is invited to send their translations for consideration.

Those interested in submitting for this focus on languages of Malta can submit a maximum of six poems per translated poet (not per translator).

Everyone can submit translated poetry, but the magazine has specified that it especially wants work by deaf and/or disabled translators and poets, and work translated from signed languages, as well as from different alphabets, such as Braille.

MPT also accepts work created using types of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) from pictures to devices.

For more information, visit

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