33 projects were funded and 158 beneficiaries (96 Italian and 62 Maltese) were reached in the context of the 2014/2020 programming period of INTERREG V-A Italy-Malta, the maritime cross-border European Territorial Cooperation programme involving Sicily and Malta with the aim of strengthening the area’s economic and social cohesion. The Programme’s Managing Authority is the Dipartimento della Programmazione of Regione Siciliana which, together with the Funds and Programmes Division within the Ministry for the Economy, European Funds and Lands, is responsible for the programme’s sound management in the Maltese and Italian territories.
The Programme had been allocated a budget of €51,708,438, with 85% of the resources provided by European Union’s co-funding through the European Regional Development Fund and 15% by the national contribution of each member State. The sector that received the most resources within the planning context was the Environment Risk Prevention and Management sector, with 28% of the budget; this was followed by the Environment Protection sector (27% of resources), Competitiveness and Employment (23%), ending with Research and Innovation (22%).
Cooperation between the two territories contributed to the objectives of the European Cohesion Policy by promoting the smart, sustainable and inclusive growth of the cross-border area and improving the competitiveness of the two territories, reducing discrepancies and disparities and acting on behalf of more fragile people. There were 158 beneficiaries for the 2014/2020 planning cycle of the Programme in the following categories: Public Administrations, Universities and Research Institutions, Clusters and Districts, micro enterprises and SMEs, Chambers of Commerce, Higher Technical Institutes and protected areas Management Authorities. The Programme involved the entire Maltese territory, with Malta, Gozo and Comino, and all the Provinces of Sicily: Trapani, Palermo, Messina, Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Enna, Catania, Ragusa and Syracuse.
With eight funded projects (Itama, Itama Cap, Mediwarn, Natiflife, Bythos, Bythos Extend, MicroWatts and I-Access), the programme supported Research and Innovation in key sectors that are more challenging for territorial growth and development: environment, cultural heritage, quality of life and health of citizens.
Competitiveness of micro enterprises and SMEs and support for Employment and Occupational Mobility were the focus of the programme’s actions, with 6 projects funded in this area (Enisie, I Know, Job Match 2020, Men, Move On and Crosswork), which encouraged social innovation practices, supported the creation/enhancement of enterprises working in the sectors of sustainable tourism, protection of the environment and quality of life, also contributing to the integration of the cross-border labour market and the circulation of human capital.
Protection of the Environment and sustainable development were the common thread of the 2014-2020 planning cycle, and with respect to these the programme funded 11 projects (Simaseed, Simaseed Plus, Harmony, Fast, Bioblu, Senhar, Capsenhar, Corallo, Corallo +Si, Amppa and Seamarvel) supporting initiatives for the protection of the Natura 2000 network sites, the conservation/restoration of natural habitats and of threatened or rare species and promoting environmental awareness campaigns for the responsible use of natural heritage.
Protection of the environment was also supported through Risk Prevention and Management actions for natural risks and/or risks deriving from human activities, the main cause of the abnormal Climate Change with respect to which the programme has acted through initiatives for prevention of the causes and mitigation of negative effects by funding 8 projects: Calypso South, Beyond Calypso, News, Simit Tharsy, BESS, I-Wavenet, GIFLUID and REMACO.
“In bringing to a successful conclusion the 2014-2020 Italy-Malta programme - stated Anthony Camilleri, General Director of the Funds and Programmes Division - Malta intends to continue its participation in the 2021/2027 INTERREG VI-A Italy-Malta programme, with the aim of replicating the positive results achieved and improving cross-border capabilities, in addition to strengthening the strong cooperation and collaboration in place between the two islands”.
The 2021/2027 programming period
The Programme has a budget of €57,604,032 for the 2021/2027 period and is co-funded for 80% by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. The programme focuses on four priority areas: Research, innovation and skills for competitiveness (30% of resources), Climate change, protection of the environment and circular economy (45% of resources), Culture and sustainable tourism for economic development and social inclusion (10% of resources) and Cross-border area governance (15% of resources).
The first area, Research, innovation and skills for competitiveness, supports projects promoting collaborative research between enterprises and research centres, the provision of services for the creation of new enterprises, support for innovation and mobility of human capital. Targets for projects in this area will be authorities and institutions, public agencies, universities and research centres, enterprises and schools.
The second area, Climate change, protection of the environment and circular economy, encourages interventions to promote adaptation to climate change, the prevention of disasters and the resilience of the cross-border area, also promoting transition to a circular economy. The programme also focuses on conservation of Mediterranean biodiversity, strengthening green infrastructures and reducing pollution. Targets for projects in this area will be authorities and institutions, public agencies, universities and research centres, enterprises, schools, reserves managing entities, parks and protected areas, civil society organisations, associations, Chambers of Commerce.
The Culture and Sustainable tourism area promotes projects for economic development and social inclusion through the regeneration of spaces and cultural places and cultural and creative initiatives. Targets for projects in this area will be authorities and institutions, public agencies, universities and research centres, enterprises, schools, associations active in environmental sectors and in the enhancement of the natural and cultural heritage, entities and associations for the promotion of the active participation of disadvantaged subjects.
Lastly, in the Governance sector, the programme aim is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of cooperation in the cross-border area by supporting initiatives exchanges for the improvement of public authorities’ ability to define integrated cross-border strategies, identify and respond to crises and emergencies and ensure synergy with other programmes. In this case, subjects involved will be political decision-makers, public administrations, education and training organisations, associations and enterprises.
During the event that took place on 14 November in Malta, the representatives of the Funds and Programmes Division and the Managing Authority illustrated the Programme’s operative mechanism and the characteristics of the projects that will be funded. “We are getting ready to publish the first call for cooperation projects - stated, Hon. Chris Bonett, Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds within the Ministry for the Economy, European Funds and Lands- for which a budget of €27,669,483 has been provided by the European Regional Development Fund, corresponding to 65% of the Programme’s financial budget”.
In his intervention, the Parliamentary Secretary also restated that the collaborative spirit and the mutual trust earned in almost 20 years of work will further consolidate in future years from a point of view of strengthening territorial cohesion in the Mediterranean.
All information on the programme is available on the website www.italiamalta.eu.
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