Supporters of Islamic State in Libya claim to have taken over the small town of Nawfaliya, some 130km from Sirte half way along the Libyan coast, the Libya Herald and other Libyan media have reported.

A video posted on social media shows a convoy of 40 vehicles driving into the town, with some displaying the black IS flag.

The IS fighters habe ordered the residents to “repent” on non-Islamic practices and pledge allegiance to the Islamic State, its “Caliph”, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and his “emir” in the town, named as Ali Al-Qarqaa.

The group, which is alleged to include some foreigners, is said to have come from Sirte, itself now reported to have a significant IS presence. 

With Nawfaliya in its hands IS would be able to control the east-west coastal road, the newspaper says.  At present the only town fully controlled by IS is Derna, although it believed to have cells operating in Tripoli and Sabratha as well as Sirte.

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