Two overseas anti-organised crime networks have accused Malta’s Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations (OCVO) of “intimidation" over a letter sent to rule of law NGO Repubblika last week.  

The office had accused Repubblika of breaching NGO law and of instigating "political propaganda". The NGO was warned of legal action if it did not amend its statute. The NGO, which insists it is respecting the law, has filed a judicial letter against the office.  

In their statement, the Italian anti-mafia organization Libera and the EU’s Chance (Civil Hub Against Organised Crime in Europe) described the OCVO’s allegations as “pretentious.”

“These allegations are a blatant attempt at silencing Repubblika, singled out because it carries its duty as a civil society organisation,” the statement read.

“Its duty is to watch the management of public affairs and report any wrongdoing.

“The same commissioner examined Repubblika’s statute when it was established on January 25, 2019, and raised no objections,” the organisations observed.  

March 8: Repubblika president Robert Aquilina's press conference. Photo: Mark Zammit CordinaMarch 8: Repubblika president Robert Aquilina's press conference. Photo: Mark Zammit Cordina

Libera and Chance also pointed out that Repubblika’s finances were audited by public officials who had not reported anything untoward.

“As EU citizens and members of civil society networks, we believe that the threat to strip Repubblika of its status as a voluntary organisation is a denial of the right to expression and association,” they said.

They urged the Maltese authorities and Prime Minister Robert Abela to step back and withdraw this 'repressive attack on civil liberties.'  


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