As 2023 draws to a close, the Jesuits’ Church Foundation invites the public to celebrate with its cultural programme in its Oratories, adjacent to the Jesuits’ church in Valletta.

The first event, on December 6 at 7.30pm, will be the official book launch of The World in a Sea: Catholics & the Mediterranean during the Pontificate of Pius XII.

The book, edited by Rev. Nicholas Doublet, offers insights on 20th-century ecclesiastical history.

The following day, on the eve of the feast of the Immaculate Conception, there will be a concert of Baroque works in praise of the Virgin Mary.

Mezzo-soprano Clare Ghigo, together with Maria-Elena Farrugia on continuo, present Haec Est Regina on December 7 at 7.30pm. The concert includes works by Pergolesi, Vivaldi and Handel.

All events are free, although donations in support of the cultural programme are appreciated.


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