John Formosa writes:

Pelle, as he was better known to his close friends, was my father-in-law but, more than that, he was a true friend, confidant and adviser.

I knew Pelle for well over 30 years, ever since I started dating his daughter Monique, now my wife.

I will sorely miss him, his deep knowledge of all things cultural and his business acumen.

I still cherish the hours spent in his study, listening to his discussions on paintings with his old friend Gianni Cauchi. The long discussions on Caravaggio gave me an insight into the true nature of an art lover; it was like being at University.

They have helped to mould me into the cultural novice that I am and the lover of art that I one day hope to become.

Pelle will be deeply missed by his wife Gaby, who was the shining light of his later years and who sacrificed her life for him, making him as comfortable as she possibly could when his health started failing him.

He will be greatly missed by his two daughters Gabriella and Monique, whom he loved so much, his grandchildren Nicholas, Ġulja, Carla, Pascal and Pippa, by his brothers and sisters and by his great friends Louis Radmilli, Cecil Amato Gauci and Angela and Joe Ganado.

Thank you for the years I have known you. Until we meet again.

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