An argument at the Valletta bus terminus on Saturday morning became aggravated when two men pulled out knives, Times of Malta has learned. 

The incident occurred at around 9.30 am as commuters were waiting at bus stops and resting at the snack bars around the terminus. 

Eyewitnesses said the commotion began when a young woman in a red tracksuit began angrily walking from City Gate towards St James Ditch, shouting and swearing, as personal possessions started to fall out of her pockets. 

She was met by a man and an older woman, who attempted to placate her. 

Shortly after this, another man appeared and began walking after the woman, shouting obscenities and insulting her, which in turn incited the woman to walk back toward him and return the verbal abuse.

Things came to a head when the man and the woman collided and began to hit each other, eyewitnesses said, as the woman shouted “go away and leave me alone” at him.

It was only when the man, dressed in white, turned his back to them that witnesses realised he was concealing a pocket knife on the inside of his wrist. 

When the man flicked the knife open, the woman’s male companion put his left arm around her neck and pulled her away. He then raised his right arm to reveal that he also had a knife, as he joined in the barrage of verbal abuse. 

A third woman, who appeared to be a companion of the man in white, attempted to get between the two men, who were throwing punches and swinging the knives around. 

Shortly after the two men were pulled apart, after which the woman in red’s companion pulled down his trousers and waved his genitals at his opponent. 

Witnesses said they were alarmed by the incident and had called the police upon spotting the knives. A bus inspector had also called the police shortly after, they said. 

Despite the altercation lasting between five to ten minutes, it appeared that none of the parties were injured during the incident, they said. 

A police spokesperson confirmed to Times of Malta that a report had been filed about the incident and referred to the domestic violence unit. Given the sensitive nature of the case, no further details could be divulged, he said. 

When police searched the involved parties, no weapons were found on their person. A police investigation is still ongoing, he added. 

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