The Labour government has a finger in the pie in every public contract, PN leader Bernard Grech said on Sunday, accusing prime minister Robert Abela of having no qualms about using tax payers' money for the benefit of those close to him. 

"Robert Abela has no qualms about robbing the public, using taxpayers’ money, for the benefit of the Labour Party and its people," he said.

Speaking on the Nationalist Party's NET FM, Grech said that the recent revelations by Times of Malta on the Marsa junction project, confirmed there was not a single public contract that was not "scandolous and corrupt". 

Times of Malta had revealed evidence of potential corruption in the €40 million Marsa flyover contract, reporting that it had attracted the attention of EU anti-fraud prosecutors.

"Robert Abela acts like corruption happened in the past. That is not true. Robert Abela retained the same system. We have a government that is not ashamed to get its share from public contracts," Grech said.

On Air Malta, Grech said that the Labour Party has no option but to admit the airline's present problems were caused by the Labour government.

"They were only after personal interests and they have brought the airline to its knees. They cannot blame [former prime minister Lawrence] Gonzi, the time we were in government or opposition, a war or the pandemic…they are solely to blame.

"The government has no vision and has no idea how to come up with new ideas. They cannot blame anyone else," he said. 

Addressing PN supporters, Grech said anyone with ideas should come forward to support the party, especially during Sunday's fundraising event. 

"I know you might be struggling because of the high cost of living but we need your help to bring about change," Grech said. 

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