Diabetics totally ignored

Another month is almost over and the party in government’s sacred promise before the last general election is still waiting to be kept. It’s worth reminding all diabetics that, before the last election, the party in governement (Labour [sic] Party) promised and assured us that they would give all diabetics the CGM we all need to survive and which most of us cannot afford to buy.

Diabetics are still waiting for CGM. Photo: Shutterstock.comDiabetics are still waiting for CGM. Photo: Shutterstock.com

The election has come and gone and more than a year with it and we are still waiting.

It cannot be a problem of money for there was enough for them to throw away €400,000,000, give millions to band clubs and fireworks, buy a brand new €90,000 car for the ex-prime minister’s wife plus waste more money.

So finding €3 million a year to care for the health of the diabetics should be very easy. What is keeping the government from giving us what is rightfully ours and what we need? Pure wickedness? No other reason makes sense for us not getting the means to be able to avoid hypos and risks of falling in a coma and dying. But, then, what is a death of a few diabetics for someone whose only interest is money and how much his friends make?

Charles Bajada – Pietà

Weird sentence

In a certain country, a doctor was arraigned and accused of kidnapping a two-day-old baby boy and killing him for scientific research purposes. The doctor pleaded guilty and the mother of the boy was expecting that the judge would sentence him to life imprisonment.

Instead, the judge set him free and ordered the woman to pay him €3,000. The woman protested loudly and asked the judge why should she pay such a sum. “I don’t see why not,” the judge replied, “since you paid the same sum to this same doctor three years ago to kill your other son a few weeks before he was born.”

I wonder what would be the outcome if such a case would ever be heard before a truly fair and just judge.

Edward Tagliaferro – Paola

Property numbers

Whoever came up with the idea of changing the existing numbers of properties into new ones didn’t imagine the grand confusion he was going to create to owners, tenants and postmen/women who have to deal with such a muddle of mail mix-up.

Nothing beats the odd and even numbers on each side of the streets when it comes to numbering properties in new streets. But when it comes to old streets it would have been a wiser solution to make owners with the same number to add an alphabetical letter to their number such as 21A and 21B instead of changing all the existing numbers of the street. I urge the authorities to stop the changing of numbers so they will discontinue getting people into a mess, which will take years to fix.

Alfred Gauci – Sliema

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