Gratitude from Chile

Greetings to you and all your readers. I would like to publish my heartfelt thanks for the generous donation sent to our parish by Mission Fund. 

Indeed, it is most supportive to know that these good people always think of us missionaries at the service of all.

Our parish caters for a lot of people distributed in different areas with their respective chapels and communities. 

Mostly, we cater for the elderly who live alone and the migrants who live in very precarious housing. So, all the help we receive is more than welcome.

May God bless Mission Fund and all their benefactors. You are in our prayers always. May I remind readers that they can support Mission Fund by depositing in their various accounts at the banks and by donating used stamps.

Thank you all.

Fr Henry Balzan – Copiapó, Chile

Truly impressive

I feel I must commend the letter under the heading ‘Love Island’ by the well-known Fr Paul Chetcuti SJ in the Times of Malta of July 22.

It’s a real eye-opener. Hats off to this reverend Jesuit father.

Alfred Conti Borda – Mosta

Health hazards on Gozo ferries

Photo: Matthew MirabelliPhoto: Matthew Mirabelli

It’s Friday, July 28, on the Ta’ Pinu ferry 6pm crossing to Gozo. The right upper deck is packed with vehicles. Several of them, I counted about 20, kept their engines running for the passengers to stay cool in their vehicles during the crossing. Other commuters outside are exposed to their toxic gases where ventilation is non-existent.

Gozo Channel crew tried to draw the attention of the respective drivers to switch off their vehicles. They were ignored and, at times, insulted. Having the engines running during the crossing goes against ferry regulations.

Even worse, the commuters and Gozo Channel crew are also exposed to these toxic gases to the detriment of their health.

It is important that Gozo Channel sorts out this important issue. The crew is reluctant to approach the drivers, so how about having spot checks by the police or wardens who fine those ignoring the rules.

This is a real health hazard and everyone should be made aware of the risks and consequences involved.

Emmanuel Galea – Victoria

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