What makes Malta a ‘dump’

I am an Italian national living in and working in Malta for five years now, commuting between Sliema and Gżira. I write to highlight what, in my opinion, is an unsustainable situation regarding trash in Malta, specifically on The Strand in Sliema.

Scenes like the one depicted in the picture can be found literally at every corner of that street. I find it absolutely unacceptable that such a touristic area should be submerged in trash bags that are left on the street for hours, exposed to the Maltese summer heat.

We all know the issue is partially caused by people being careless and rude, most of them being tourists. We also know such people can be found everywhere else in the world.

Still, in my opinion, this is no excuse to hide the fact that Malta has visibly become much trashier recently.

I find this even more irritating when considering we are talking about a main tourist spot, and that, as we know, Malta is a country that heavily relies on tourism from an economic point of view; not that I would justify leaving trash bags exposed every day on the roads of localities that do not attract so many tourists, like, say, Gżira (I live there and I prefer not to touch the topic of public hygiene there for this letter would become too long) or Birkirkara.

Scenes such as this are seen daily all along The Strand, Sliema. Photo: Francesco CasartelliScenes such as this are seen daily all along The Strand, Sliema. Photo: Francesco Casartelli

However, the fact that it is The Strand we are talking about, which, in some ways, tourists consider to be a ‘postcard’ of Malta, makes this practice even more unacceptable (and utterly stupid; like spitting in the air and letting it land on one’s own face).

I know it is not easy having a proper waste collection plan. Still, I think that, in summer, sights like the one featured in the above photograph (there are many other examples if one were to walk along The Strand to see for oneself) are totally unacceptable in such destinations.

And then we are all surprised when Google prompts that “Malta is a dump” as a first suggested result when typing in “Malta is a” in the search bar, as highlighted in a recent Times of Malta article.

It is clear to me that the collection of trash bags should be enhanced in summer, and I would also suggest that collection hours should be changed.

Finally, allow me to explain that I am making these comments not only because I live and work (pay taxes) here but also because I feel part of the community I am contributing to, even if I am a foreigner.

I have witnessed that, too often, the Maltese do not take criticism from foreigners very lightly. Yet I feel such a matter just had to be brought up.

I hope my contribution will help to make Sliema and Malta a better place.


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