Irresponsible behaviour

A few hours ago, I witnessed irresponsible and unscrupulous behaviour at one of Msida’s zebra crossings.

I am still in shock and quite angry when I think about it.

A number of e-scooter drivers ignore regulations and infringe traffic rules. Photo: Chris Sant FournierA number of e-scooter drivers ignore regulations and infringe traffic rules. Photo: Chris Sant Fournier

I had stopped to allow a man, who was carrying a child, to cross the street. In a flash, a man driving an electric scooter sped by barely missing the man by a few inches. He was wearing headphones and seemed oblivious to what was happening around him.

It seems that traffic regulations do not apply to a small number of drivers of electric scooters. They infringe all traffic rules.

What makes it more frustrating is the fact that one cannot identify these perpetrators for there are no number plates at the back of their scooters. So they do whatever they like because they know that most of the time they get off scot-free.

How long will Transport Malta drag its feet to address this problem? Is it necessary for some fatal accident to occur before adequate measures are taken to check this abusive and dangerous conduct?

Phyllis Sammut Smith – Gżira

A wrong condemnation

In his article ‘Do not become an għonella party’ (July 20), Fr Joe Borg wrote: “Will the MPs who voted for the amendments on the IVF law rot in hell for allegedly introducing abortion by stealth?”

Although I’m in favour of what Fr Joe wrote, the words “rot in hell” should have been avoided as Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us to condemn the sin not the sinner.

Alfred GaucI – Sliema

Morning-after pill

Though humbled at my ignorance, I was happy to learn that the ‘morning-after pill’, Levonorgestrel or ullipristal, is not abortive (July 21). Isabel Stabile gives the reason for her statement for which I am very grateful.

For my sake and many other pro-lifers, would some other knowledgeable people confirm her teaching… biologically not ethically, please?

Albert Said – Naxxar

The environment

I fully agree with Carmel Zammit who wrote (July 19) about the brave NGOs’ concern about the pillaging of Malta and Gozo by the Labour government.

Our countryside is being ruined in the name of development.

I appeal to all politicians of goodwill, Church leaders and developers to stop ruining our beautiful islands.

Francis Vella – Mosta

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