The prize of best dump goes to…

Welcome to Qui-si-Sana, where the air you breathe is clean and you are surrounded by beautiful surroundings. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Go to any bring-in site in Malta and Gozo and you will find a mess of dumped garbage bags and bulky refuse. However, as you can see in the photo (right), Qui-si-Sana’s bring-in site wins hands down for the best dump on the islands. It is impossible to access any of the bins.

The rubbish dump at Qui-si-Sana.The rubbish dump at Qui-si-Sana.

This should not be happening but it is, simply because there is no enforcement and no discipline among the residents here. There are CCTV cameras in the area but they are clearly not doing their job, as are the people who are supposed to be managing these sites.

Let’s face it – if you dump once without receiving a fine, chances are you’re going to do it again.

Tourists are even taking photos of this embarrassing mess and no doubt sharing it on social media.

It is beyond comprehension that a five-star, 31-storey hotel has been approved at the old Holiday Inn site 300 metres from this dumping ground. How can we offer five-star accommodation in a zero-star environment?

Come on, whoever is responsible. Pull your socks up and do your job.

Edward Madgin – Sliema

Electricity waste

At a time like this, when all you hear or read are complaints regarding the electricity problem and what people had to do to keep themselves sane in the heatwave, makes those who weren’t affected feel very lucky.

For them, life went on normally; so let’s do our bit and be more careful in the way we use the essential commodity of electricity.  Churches, for example, should not switch on all the lights  during Mass; it will also help keep the air cooler inside  and, after all, parishioners come to hear the Word of God and not to view the decorations. (Parish priests, please note.)

Also let us not forget and be grateful to the Enemalta workers who had to fix the problems in the heatwave. You are our heroes.

Alfred Gauci – Sliema

Open letter to two ministers

For the past few days, we have been regaled with stories about two ministers: Clayton Bartolo and Miriam Dalli. For one, minister Bartolo throws money at the film industry as if it were our money. Oops, it is our money.

For another, minister Dalli tells us that the power cuts are the result of electrical distribution problems; that Naxxar has severe distribution problems; and that she will build us a substation.

Two years earlier she had said the same thing. And she will build us a substation. But she never did.

After all, we must first give money to the film industry.

A light bulb just went on! Clayton, just give Miriam the money you blew on Hollywood studios to build the new substation in Naxxar.

Bingo! Solve two problems with one large packet of money. Best use of taxpayer monies.

Alan Zelt – Naxxar

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