
May I, through these pages, ask the prime minister if he considers this traffic arrangement (see photo), which replaced a flat convenient cycle lane in St Andrew’s, acceptable? Neither the local council, Infrastructure Malta nor Transport Malta seem to know (or care).
Robert Abela recently asked drivers to be more responsible. How would a driver or cyclist be responsible here if the markings guide them both towards a collision in the same spot? Markings then guide cyclists to ride through no entry signs?
James Wightman – St Julian’s
A truly unique experience on Comino
In his article ‘We must stand up and fight’, (May 27), John Vassallo made the false claim that the developers in Comino are “selling the concept of a hotel but are really planning to sell off villas in a unique villa area closed to the Maltese”.
As the developers of the new Comino hotel, we refute this allegation. We have signed a long-term hotel management agreement with Six Senses to manage the hotel and bungalow sites as one unique touristic proposition. As stipulated in the concession agreement, the properties on Comino can only be used for touristic purposes. They cannot and will not be sold off as residential villas, as the author claims.
Neither will the site be closed off to the Maltese. Nothing about public access to Comino will change, except for increased access to the foreshore, particularly at Santa Marija Bay, where the buildings are being set back from the shoreline.
Rather than destroy a Natura 2000 site, as the author claims, HV Hospitality is undergoing a major investment to restore, preserve and protect the site, including through the removal of alien and invasive species and the planting of over 50,000 endemic plants.
Hili Ventures’ mission for the Comino project is to regenerate the dilapidated buildings which exist today, reduce and optimise the footprint and offer a tourism product which exceeds the expectations of the environment-conscious traveller.
We have engaged a world-renowned design team, whose remit it is to limit any environmental impacts across the project lifespan, while also having partnered with the leading global brand in sustainable hospitality, Six Senses.
Together, our vision is to give future visitors a unique, peaceful and authentic experience, which sets Malta apart from other destinations.
Annabel Hili, director, HV Hospitality – Marsa