Promoting film industry on stamps

Some 21 years ago, MaltaPost was about to issue a set of stamps promoting the local film industry. For some unknown reason, the issue was abruptly cancelled.

One of the stamps in that issue featured actor Russel Crowe in the Gladiator costume. Cancelling such a set was a gross loss for Maltese and thematic philately.

The set of Australian stampsThe set of Australian stamps

Now, parts of Gladiator 2 are to be shot in Malta.

May I suggest that the government enter into an agreement with all film producers to give MaltaPost permission to issue stamps relative to the local production to promote industry?

In the meantime, Australia Post issued – on January 22, 2009 – a set entitled Australian Legends Of the Screen (photo). Two stamps featured Russel Crowe and the Gladiator.

Vincent Grech – Żabbar

PN lies to live

Why is Bernard Grech and his gang at Dar Ċentrali making such a song and dance about the closure and demolition of the Cospicua home for the elderly? It is to be replaced by a brand new one with all the modern facilities which have become the norm expected in other similar residences built by private entrepreneurs.

The answer to this big question, which many are asking, can be found in the fact that, although the home is owned by the government, it is run by CareMalta, a company owned by renowned PN donor, millionaire Żaren Vassallo.

In fact, there have been similar circumstances when such a home – the government-owned Msida home – was demolished and is being rebuilt. While the Floriana home, also government-owned, had all its elderly residents relocated until the home was totally refurbished. Not a word had been said in both instances by the PN.

The real reason is that once the Cospicua home closes, the thousands of euros flowing into Vassallo’s company will dry up. This is also why I believe those vulnerable elderly residents were subjected to a shocking, orchestrated, scare-mongering campaign by people who were supposed to be taking care of them.

Alas, this is the only way the PN opposition believes it can ever recuperate power – create a perception of corruption on each and every project embarked on by the government. The PN lives to lie. And lies to live.

Eddy Privitera – Naxxar

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