From the online comments 

Former AG Peter Grech awarded third consultancy contract

Grech put on Justice Ministry payroll for third consecutive year in €62,000 deal

The corrupt PL sect’s compara­tive economics: First-time property buyers: €10,000 paid €1,000 every year for 10 years to property developers.

Friends of friends: €60,000-plus every year paid directly to friend of friend.

The redefinition of socialism in line with the redefinition of meritocracy, transparency and accountability. – JJ Micallef

Supposedly not fit for purpose. But in this country the norm does not apply. – Brian Sinclair

Oh, yes, and the French are up in arms because Macron intends raising the pensionable age. They have raised fire and brimstone in the streets of Paris. I guess they’d guillotine their president if what’s happening in Malta were to take place in France. – Mario Zammit

Maybe payback time for doing a fantastic job! – Edgar Gatt

That’s another €62,000 on the national debt. Don’t forget this come the next election. – D. M. Briffa

Former AG Peter GrechFormer AG Peter Grech

“Dr Grech’s valuable knowledge and expertise are still being utilised,” the ministry said. For once I fully agree with this government’s point of view. We all know about this gentleman’s expertise even though I am not entirely certain if we are talking about the same sort of expertise. – A. Galea

So what? Just a small reminder that he was made AG under the PN reign. – J. BRINCAT

So it goes without saying that the PN thought that he was fit for the job. – Martin Baron

Since he did such a great job, he is given more positions to destroy. I guess the current AG will become president of Malta eventually. – Jessica Pace

Not one logical decision and yet he is paid handsomely as a consultant to the government. Quite telling in itself. No further comment, your honour. – J. Degiorgio

This is the way Mafia works, until that glorious day, when they will pay all their dues towards the people they were supposed to represent. – N. Attard

They manage to find the money for their friends; no problem with that! – H. Meilak

Are these people simply incapable of working in the private sector or is it something worse? – J. Grech

Why work in the private sector if one can get a consultancy job with the government and do nothing? The state of our court system is a typical example. The PM blames the judiciary. The PM does not blame the police corps, notwithstanding they are understaffed, under-trained, under-paid and demotivated. – Francis Said

In which functioning democracy does this happen? Anyone with two brain cells to rub together would believe that such a person’s skill-set has omertà at its core. Shameful and shameless. – Winston Smith

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