From the online comments

Activists protest outside Joseph Muscat’s offices, call for his imprisonment

Repubblika wants politicians held responsible; Muscat says ‘I welcome scrutiny’

We are still far away to get into the national culture of jailing ex-PMs or ministers even though this has been done in third-world countries. But we are getting there. €400 million could have filled all our country with open spaces full of benches and flowers and trees. But if you jail Muscat, the Labourites will revolt and create a civil war. This might not be the case for Konrad Mizzi, Keith Schembri or Edward Scicluna. – Omar Camilleri

If Muscat is jailed, Labourites won’t move a finger. Remember when Alfred Sant accused Dom Mintoff, Labour’s darling, of being a traitor. What happened then? Nothing! Nada! Xejn! – Stephen Borg

Where are the police in all of this, having a ħobża? – M. Cassar

Eddie Fenech Adami once described those who do not carry out their duty as corrupt. So if the police commissioner does not live up to his oath, would he qualify for this title and wouldn’t it be fair that Repubblika sticks a similar sign to his door, with an appropriate ranking? – Larry Haggins

Angelo Gafà must be held responsible. Now more than ever it’s becoming obvious that he is intentionally protecting criminals. He must pay personally in the future. – N. Attard

Some people believe themselves to be prosecutor, judge and executioner.

And they say they stand for rule-of-law principles. They are not even subtle with their hypocrisy. – J. Camilleri

Photo: Chris Sant FournierPhoto: Chris Sant Fournier

A government whose only achievement is that of looting the country. Too many recent accidents, injuries, deaths and murders are being caused by a total lack of enforcement, strategy, planning and financing where it matters. I cannot tolerate any more seriously ill or disadvantaged people begging for charity, fundraising when so much money is being funnelled into criminal pockets.

There is blood on this government’s hands. Criminals. – SARAH CAMILLERI

I might not agree with Robert Aquilina on a number of issues but, I must admit, I admire his determination and stamina to get these crooks behind bars. – Steve Pace

Is Robert Abela happy and proud that the former Labour prime minister is labelled as korrott? – Joez Borg

This is not corruption. This is the new-fangled economic system devised by

Milton Freidman and Hayak, called neo-liberalism, and this sort of thing goes on all over the world. Freidman got the Nobel Prize for it. – LILIAN SMITH

Of course Joseph Muscat welcomes scrutiny. He has had ample time to get rid of any personal incriminating evidence before the police called on him at home. – Rod Enderby

As long as PC Angelo Gafà is in the lead, nothing will happen to the Invictus. – Eduard Azzopardi

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