Give women more rights
I suggest that Klaus Vella Bardon again carefully reads my letter (‘Convincing arguments’, September 6). I did not proffer an opinion as to who is right or wrong in the abortion debate but simply pointed out his own arrogant attitude to anybody who holds a point of view opposite to his own. It was about being able to have civilised debates between people of different opinions.
However, since we are on the subject of abortion, morning-after pill etc., I cannot help notice that, among all the arguments listed by pro-life activists, incidentally most of whom seem to be men, there is an evident lack of referral to more effective ways of avoiding unwanted pregnancies and, so, avoiding potential abortions.
Why, for example, is no one promoting vasectomy, an extremely simple and effective way of preventing pregnancy? Why does no one emphasise the point that no woman belongs to any man, be it her husband, boyfriend or stranger, so no one has the absolute right to sex on demand? Many women, in marriages or long-term relationships, are forced to serve their partner’s demands. This fact is more common than many men like to admit.
Why do pro-life activists, instead of wagging their finger at women’s rights re abortion not start campaigning for the prevention of unwanted pregnancies? Why don’t they not use their energy to fight for all the help and support the state should give to these mothers who have to fend for themselves when caring for the fruit of the sex forced on them by unwanted intercourse?
If men do not want to be accused of having a patriarchal attitude, then they have to create an atmosphere of support, understanding and respect towards women. It takes two to create a pregnancy and it surely cannot be right that only men have their say from start to end.
Barbara Gauci – Sannat
From the online comments board
Joseph Portelli, Malta and Gozo’s sponsorship king
Is there anything more pathetic than trying to buy respect? – Mark Ellis
He spreads like a disease. Too late for any of us to be saved. But he is the king of nothing, he takes nothing to the grave and his legacy is just castles built on sand. Pity the man. – J. Ruby
Berlusconi’s twin. Same wealth same strategy. My guess is soon he will be in politics. – C. Magro
I always thought that FIFA and UEFA don’t allow anyone to sponsor more than one football team in any one jurisdiction or league. Am I mistaken? – Joseph Vassallo
Oh, yes, I’m sure his intentions are pure - a paragon of virtue! – Marcus Galea
He enjoys seeing people enjoying themselves? He is making many peoples’ lives a misery with all his construction, ruining Malta and Gozo and ODZ massive blocks even before permits are issued. This man does not have my respect at all. He is greedy and a bully. – A. Calleja
A true disciple of everything that is wrong, whichever way he says it, a faithful believer in the scourge that has now gripped the Maltese islands. – Peter Barbara
We should also be aware of the Gozitan Joseph Portelli acolytes who are being strategically placed in positions of power within authorities that might otherwise impose checks and balances on his projects. – Astrid Vella
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