False claims once again

Once again, Isabel Stabile resorts to mock and ridicule, with her typical arrogance, those of us who challenge her claim that the morning-after pill is nothing but an emergency contraceptive.

Had she bothered to follow the attachment I referred to in my correspondence of July 28, she would realise that her scientific claims are false.

The researcher and gynaecologist Bruno Mozzanega clearly exposed the fact that the European Medicine Authority lies when it peddles such drugs as being just emergency contraceptives.

These drugs very often disrupt the role of progesterone and render the endometrium unsuitable for the embryo to develop further, causing it to die.

Mozzanega challenges anyone who claims otherwise to take him to court as presented in this link: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVv6sCgpp-o&list=PLARYVGGNe-FnSZgpn8C47FNAe-FzbqXbw.

Klaus Vella Bardon – Balzan

Benefits of solar energy

In your Times of Malta poll of August 30, you asked if we are prepared to cut down on energy consumption to keep prices stable. Quite obviously, the choices were yes and no.

But, I do believe you ignored the elephant in the room: solar generation. We have owned solar panels for almost three years now. The energy savings are enormous. And, we are saving money, too.

If you own your roof, I would urge all to get solar panels installed. So, in addition to yes and no, I would have added: yes, by installing solar panels.

Alan Zelt – Naxxar

Psychology experiment in Malta

It is a classic experiment in psychology to place some 10 mice in a spacious cage with easy access to food and water. The mice community lives contentedly without any problems. The experiment entails reducing the size of the cage a few centimetres a day to render the cage crowded and access to food and water highly competitive.

As the cage gets smaller and smaller, the mice, previously mild and friendly, become aggressive to the extent of fighting each other to death.

The experiment is being repeated on humans in Malta!

Charles Farrugia – Rabat

Why insist?

I have been following Fr Luke Seguna’s case.

Without going into the merits of this case, why do you continue harping on the allegation that he used over €140,000 on porn sites? It is becoming sickening!

It seems that someone at Times of Malta is relishing this deplorable incident.

Joseph Croker – Balzan

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