Is queer pride foolishness?

Jesus Christ is the path to joy in goodness and, unfortunately, we enter a cul-de-sac when we take pleasure in sinful experiences of forlorn and immoral love. His words in Matthew 16 about divorce and eunuchs can be of great help to those in the cul-de-sac to find a way out to the incredible, true, emotional fullness of maturity in human love and the better way ahead, even unto eternal love in the theology of the body and the fullness of human family life.

So queer pride in sinful actions of interpersonal bodily intimacy is the cul-de-sac in the dangerous undercurrent of western personal civilisation. Yet, in confessing our error, deep in our hearts we can revive in immersing ourselves into the bodily death and bodily resurrection of the Son of Man, because he is God the Son.

There is the greatest imaginable human emotional happiness in recovery from our sorrowful sinful ways in the deep mysterious sharing in this seemingly impossible love of God the Father and God the Son for one another unto death for all of us. We need not despair in our failure to find true love in others because the overflowing love of God the Holy Spirit makes us completely new in genuine love for one another.

There is indeed a science of the cross, as Edith Stein discovered, but, perhaps, there is a corresponding technology of the cross too, which we might personally savour in the all-balancing love of God the Holy Spirit.

So, in practice, editors and academics of sociological well-being need to see where they stand directly with those whose public temporal office in governance includes the encouragement of the life of virtue by balancing the truth of the fact with the goodness of the intention in its being communicated. Indeed, as the late Fr Peter Serracino Inglott said: “Fulfilment is not possible unless communication becomes communion.”

God is this fulfilment in great human happiness when we experience that his mercy is greater than his justice, albeit even in the last second of our life.

Malta can do it: let’s do it!

Peter Cassar Torreggiani – Balzan

Car indicator lights are there for a very sensible purpose. Photo: Shutterstock.comCar indicator lights are there for a very sensible purpose. Photo:

Hazardous non-use of indicators

I must confess to being completely mystified by the reluctance of a large number of Maltese and Gozitan drivers to use their car indicator lights to show their intentions to other drivers when turning right or left or starting and stopping their vehicle. 

This is sheer common sense.  

Overtaking a driver who suddenly decides to turn right or who suddenly decides to start his vehicle would result in a serious accident. I wonder if enough attention is paid to this basic concept of road safety in the driving test.

Charles Gauci – Sannat

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