Abortion is not healthcare

Isabel Stabile, an obstetrician and gynaecologist, admitted and advertised publicly that she, together with Pro-Choice Doctors, shows Maltese women how to take abortion pills and also provides advice and support before, during and after their self-managed abortions (August 25).

She was careful in choosing her words and one needs a legal expert to enlighten the public as to whether or not these doctors, in so doing, are actually establishing their pro-abortion agenda by openly defying Maltese law, thus aiding and abetting criminal activity.

She says that an estimated 500 pregnancies are already being aborted by using pills ordered online and surgical abortions abroad, speculating that this is likely keeping maternal mortality down while conveniently ignoring the 100 per cent enforced mortality of the 500 aborted human offspring.

Stabile went on to assert that abortion was beneficial, not only for the woman but also for the family and for society at large as “an essential life-saving healthcare”. This, of course, stretches her argument to breaking point because abortion, in essence, essentially involves the extinguishing of human life.

Abortion on demand is an abuse committed on a normal woman’s body by surgery or through ingested or injected drugs intended to destroy the human life in her uterus and, because it technically involves an interference with the woman’s body and the intended death of a foetus, it cannot be called healthcare by any stretch of the imagination.

The will and consent of the woman does not render the commitment of an abortion “healthcare” but makes it abnormal behaviour and self-abuse that causes harm.

I am not writing here of abortion to save a woman’s life; that is legitimate treatment.

There are organisations that give genuine support and show great caring kindness to pregnant women for as long as necessary. Photo: Jonathan BorgThere are organisations that give genuine support and show great caring kindness to pregnant women for as long as necessary. Photo: Jonathan Borg

Because the people naturally abhor abortion, Stabile sees that as lack of kindness and a “pressing problem” in Malta. She sees what she chooses and ignores existing organisations here that give genuine support and show great caring kindness to pregnant women who need it right through their pregnancy and continue to help them and their offspring for as long as necessary.

That’s the civilised solution that any woman with an embarrassing, unexpected or undesired pregnancy needs and can get at will in Malta, not aggressive abortion. Abortion on demand is now being questioned in the US and elsewhere after the recent enlightened revision of the faulty high court decision that facilitated it half a century ago.

After stating that she wants “what’s best for those who are pregnant and only they can decide what that is”, Stabile continues in the same breath: “I think, I feel, I decide”. So, who really decides and advise?

John Pace – Victoria

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