Starving Dalmatian left on rooftop

Idiot owner should be banned for life from having another pet. Not even a pet cockroach. Nothing. They don’t deserve it. – F.J. Brincat

Send the dog on a holiday paid-for by their former owners and leave the former owners locked up in a cell without any food or water for a week. – Charles Spiteri

What kind of idiot can you be to harm an animal in that way? How can you neglect a pet that you are responsible for? Some people are not worth the air they consume to live. I hope proper punishment is meted out. – M. Galea

Wincey the DalmatianWincey the Dalmatian

I cannot stand this animal cruelty. Owners should be put on the roof without food and water and see how they feel… shame! – Mark L. Zammit

Now let’s see what our courts do. These troglodytes deserve nothing short of the full force of the law and maximum penalty. – Stephen Saliba

Wait for it. Now we’ll find some creative legal loophole to get everybody off the hook. – A. Cassar

Justice Minister had wanted ‘performance reviews’ for MPs

This guy likes to write rules for others to follow. Not for himself. – Alex Grima

I wish people here were consistent in their thinking and beliefs. This is proof that the dissertations presented by students are reduced to nullity after they graduate. We are losing a hell of a lot of useful research here simply because students go out and suddenly become egocentric and blind to what constitutes correct governance and behaviour – did you often wonder why this happens? I have plenty of replies to that question, myself. – Julian Zarb

Lost his morals the moment he kissed the cross at the Palace in front of the president. – L. Mangion

In other words, he either thinks what he wrote was goulash or, now that he is a minister, he is against being performance reviewed. As to his other laughable comment that Labour governments have now brought in higher standards shows that he will not rock the boat. – A. Caruana

The Minister for Justice shouldn’t be held responsible to examine his own performance and so to be fair to others he wouldn’t introduce such a performance test. He wrote as a young enthusiast full of bookish ideas, now he is politically mature and he sees things quite differently. – Richard Curmi

Before graduating, it’s all about fighting for rights and obligations. After graduation, it’s all about surviving and wealth building. – Mike Gibromi

Omg… so the ‘un-biased’ media went so far to check the thesis written eight years ago by a newly-elected MP (minister). And, to be honest, he didn’t run away from what he wrote. He just quoted the electoral manifesto, which hints to a number of measures which should be proposed to ensure a better performance and accountability by MPs. This guy didn’t even manage to sit on his office chair that the media already started to grill him. Then we want new blood in our political class. – J. Bianchi

Performance reviews were and are the means to remove the possibility of working in serenity. Good and wrongdoings should be addressed as they occur not through  performance reviews. Performance reviews are nothing more than textbook techniques which look good on paper but serve for nothing except exploitation. – V. Buhagiar

If only you could introduce performance-related pay for our members of the judiciary. I am sure we shall stop hearing of 30 years’ wait for justice to be meted out in our courts. And punish that small section of our judiciary who are putting their profession and their own colleagues into such disrepute. How about it Hon. Minister? – George Farrugia

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