Cleaning the clean energy

I cannot thank Matthew Bezzina enough for the comprehensive article ‘The Green Way Forward’ (March 29). May everybody have that view of things and act upon it. May religious people realise this is the greatest act of charity and moral responsibility of the moment because on it depends the future of the human race.

But I would add one all important factor.  Is it vital that we electrify everything? What if our electricity itself is still heavily polluted?

We must all raise our voices and immediately start doing everything possible for changing our power plant and other electricity supplies to solar, wind, hydrogen and other sources of clean energy.

Albert Said – Naxxar

Gozitans still waiting for their first inoculations

Photo: AFPPhoto: AFP

Imagine the massive sigh of relief from the near-bankrupt tourist industry on learning that “Malta, Gozo and Comino” are due to reopen to vaccinated British tourists from June 1.

So desperate are we to get them in and spending money that they won’t even be delayed by having to be tested for the virus on arrival at Luqa.

Good for Malta. As are most government decisions. Not so good for Gozo, though, where the over 75s are still awaiting their first inoculation.

They were first told on Facebook – assumed to be the best way of addressing Gozitan septuagenarians – to phone in and make an appointment. Most of them, I assume, went through the same rigmarole: wait 10 minutes for your call to be answered, and then name, address, ID, home phone, mobile... only to be told that you would be getting a letter “in the coming days”.

The question has to be asked: Who is sending the invitations and on what basis? It is not in alphabetical order, nor according to ID number, not village by village – and certainly not by age.

Are they sent by Identity Malta, by the Ministry of Health, or (as it would appear) like a lottery by “lucky dip”?

Enquiry defeats even those who expect routine Maltese inefficiency in most things. There is no point in asking the helpline, whose employees simply confess to not knowing whether there is a “system”.

The call to phone for an appointment was repeated last week by Charmaine Gauci, who presumably doesn’t know what’s happening, either.

So I hope that the tourists who flock in with their viruses will not, in fact, be allowed on either Comino or Gozo.

If they do, and if they mix with the locals, we will have to start serious lockdowns all over again.

And we know how the last one started.

That would mean goodbye to tourism, for another year...

Revel Barker – Għajnsielem

Healthier environment

Well done for the article of March 29 regarding the importance of having clean air and a healthy environment.

God created a wonderful world for us all to enjoy and we are ruining it because of greed and selfishness. 

I still remember that great event when the three American astronauts travelled to the moon in 1969. On their way to the moon, on seeing the beauty of the world from the space capsule, they started to recite the Holy Bible from the Book of Genesis – the creation.

After reading the article, I decided to do something for a healthy environment: making less use of my car and using public transport more frequently.

Francis Vella – Mosta


Simon Busuttil says that the 2017 election was fraudulent. The election delivered a knock-out blow to his prime ministerial ambitions.

What l would like to know is where was his party when this fraud was committed.

It is only now that we are hearing of fraud about the devastating result.

And he is the one making the claim.

Is Busuttil another Trump?

Roger Mifsud – Rabat

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