Those COVID numbers again

It is reassuring to read that nine out of 10 new COVID cases are in unvaccinated people (July 6), although in no way does one not feel for anybody succumbing to the virus, irrespective of their circumstances.

Hopefully, the vaccines will continue to protect as – inevitably – new variants will emerge so long as global protection continues to elude. Meanwhile, we welcome back the hordes of English language students (one assumes subsidised at €300 a pop, at taxpayers’ expense). No social distancing; no masks (young people are presumably unvaccinated, they are in groups far superior than the requisite two, etc.).

Last Saturday, the ferry from Sliema to Valletta was thronged with them. Piled on top of each other, inside the boat (rather than outside) with no regard for distancing, ignoring the ‘do not sit here’ rows of seats.

One also wonders how long the ‘bastions’ will hold out in the face of pressure from disgruntled Brits. I suspect that the commercial imperative will win out and – as so often happens in Malta – rules, if applied at all, tend to have the shelf life of yoghurt. And then people are aghast about grey lists!

Incidentally, given the Brit wail in respect of our authorities’ care with avoiding importing their Delta gift, one wonders whether the UK is accepting our certificate of vaccination? A European (post-Brexit) one? Presumably yes.

Anna Micallef – Sliema

Addio Raffaella

Raffaella Carrà. Photo: Shutterstock.comRaffaella Carrà. Photo:

You ain’t Maltese if you don’t know who Raffaella Carrà was: the beautiful, Italian lady who captivated the hearts of viewers on Rai TV back in the late 1960s and 1970s with her programme Ma Che Sera.

I was around 12 years old then, all gathered around our black-and-white television watching Raffaella belting out her famous signature tune song Ma Che Sera. Raffaella’s cheeky smile coupled with her natural talent made her a household name in Malta.

There wasn’t any internet those days; TV offered all the entertainment at home, so when it was time for Raffaella’s variety show we all made sure we didn’t miss it as she gave us viewers a fantastic time. Addio Raffaella.

Alfred Gauci – Sliema

It’s Italy vs England

The unthinkable happened! The final of Euro 2020 is Italy vs England. A famous Italian proverb says: la famiglia è la patria del cuore (Family is where the heart is). And an English proverb goes: you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, meaning if you have a sweet disposition you will get more from people than if you are rude to them.

It is my prayer and heartfelt wish that this game be a golden opportunity for us Maltese to be one family: caring for each other, irrespective of the final result on the soccer pitch. If we do that we certainly would win not just Euro 2020 but, and more importantly, our fraternal relationships as one nation back.

Fr Mario Attard, OFM Cap - Marsa

Mission Fund assistance

On behalf of my diocese of Jundiai, in Brazil, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Mission Fund and to all those who contribute to this fund that helps the missions. I will be using their donation to further my social work and the formation of the clergy in my diocese.

On my part, I promise my prayers to all at the Mission Fund, to all those who contribute by donating funds and to all the readers of this newspaper.

Mgr Vincent Costa, Diocesan Bishop of Jundiai –  Brazil

What to expect

George Hyzler’s report regarding MP Rosianne Cutajar is now being considered by the parliamentary committee.

Will the Speaker find ‘something’ in it that he does not agree with so that he can have an excuse to abstain again from casting his vote?

Carmel Sciberras – Naxxar

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