Stop repeating untruths

I wonder how the present chairman of the Planning Authority would, in a written economics examination, respond to the classical old question of ‘what comes first, supply or demand’.

Now that the country’s overdevelopment saga has reached the stage where we actually have a Planning Authority chairman who simply does not understand that planning is not just about ensuring that developers continue to be provided with permits to continue operating as hitherto (May 26), we really have reached a stage of no return in this vital area of the country’s economy.

Umpteen is the number of studies of the Maltese economy which have been written showing that it is a big figment of our collective imagination that Malta cannot live with a downsized building and construction component, particularly, for example, with regard to its alleged contribution to national Gross Value Added (only 0.1 per cent in 2020, Table 3.3 of the CBM’s annual report for 2020).

Time and again, sectors have been cited (like defence, textiles, etc.) as examples of economic activities which were here and now no longer are and no Maltese workers dying of hunger.

But now we risk damaging forever what we mean when we actually say “Malta and Gozo”, hence, my repeated questioning of what makes Gozo, Gozo?

Now, henceforth, even the reason why tourists choose to come to Malta will no longer subsist and we would have managed, in our constantly ongoing uglification of the island,  to also destroy the whole of our economy.

For God’s sake, the present thinking format has to totally change. Please, let’s stop this environmental carnage.

John Consiglio – Birkirkara

Xagħra Gozo’s Sliema

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Every street in Xagħra has at least one or more monstrosities now as well as cranes’ construction greed. 

The school is surrounded on three sides by massive construction. So, in a few years’ time, all these children will have breathing problems but “it’s for the economy” trumpet the clowns of Castille. Don’t worry about the health of the children.

Pathetic PA.

Kevin Hodkin – Xagħra

Exceptionally poor reliability

It appears that, once again, the brand new lift at the bottom of Vjal Sir Paul Boffa, Marsa is out of order. I believe this is the third time and counting and there seems to be a lacuna in as much as nobody seems to be responsible.

We are all used to seeing a telephone number on the inside of a lift in case you are stuck but nobody ever thinks to put one on the outside, in case you are stuck there, which is important on a public transportation lift. 

Of course, we all knew that the reliability of such lifts was exceptionally poor.

Mrieħel and Aviation Avenue’s unreliability are a prime example, while the Barrakka lift service, for those using bicycles, hasn’t been without its administrative problems.

Could Infrastructure Malta or Transport Malta set up some kind of website or app link that shows which public service lifts on a national level are serviceable, so that people can plan their trip?

Jim Wightman – St Julian’s

Caring for our flora

A few days ago, a young lady came to my door and presented me a packet of seeds that came from our wild flora. I asked her what shall I do with them and she said I should sow them.

I told her give me one reason why I shall sow wild seeds at home while God all mighty sows the whole island year after year and our local council mayors and councillors eradicate every wild plant that sprouts off the soil in our countryside.

They not only terminated our flora but also those creatures that depend on the flora to survive and procreate.

This practice has been going on for years now and it is becoming impossible to see any kind of wild flower, butterflies and bees in our villages. I can’t understand what is happening on our island. It is as though what the right hand does the left hand destroys. Sometimes, I feel like an actor in the Benny Hill Show. It’s ridiculous.

Frans Buhagiar – Safi

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