From the online comments board

Sta Venera roofing project costs rise to €35 million

Why build a roof? This requires some serious strengthening of the deteriorating sidewalls of the existing “sunken highway” (rainwater, sun, small trees and bushes are doing some serious damage I think). Would it not be better to use prefabricated tunnel pieces with the same diameter as the existing tunnel?

Build them as an ‘archway’ over the road and then cover the new section of tunnel with debris and soil. It would basically extend the existing tunnel with the same diameter and “style”. I think this would be a far stronger (and permanent) solution than building a ‘roof’ required to support soil and trees. – Willem Weeseman

Can we have a detailed cost estimate breakdown please? Everything costs millions. How much of the money will go for kick-backs and underhand profits? This is taxpayers’ money and the taxpayer deserves being informed. The people of Sta Venera deserve that this sink-hole is covered up. However, taxpayers must get value for money! – Charles Falzon

Do we really need this when the deficit is over €1 billion? Or are we only aiming at lining someone’s pocket with silver? – Toni Borg

Comparing project with project with the Marsa junction this project is being estimated at 50 per cent of the cost of Marsa. Does that make sense? – K. Pace

Well, the majority sealed and condemned themselves to be nobodies last election. €35m is peanuts when the electorate chose impunity rule over an honest way of living decently! €35m and all those who voted otherwise are lumped in like the rest to sustain liberal rule that only be maintained with more taxes.

Costs to roof over this section of road rise to €35 million.Costs to roof over this section of road rise to €35 million.

No taxes to emphasise a false sense of ‘good feel factor’ will only spell the debt mountain which will grow exponentially. Where are the government finance wizards? Once there were two rocks called Malta and Gozo. – Joe Micallef

Money down the drain… or down friends’ pockets. – Anton Portelli

Some hidden payments, which come under the heading of sundry expenses, were not considered in the first estimate. – Richard Curmi

A roof garden and an increase of open public spaces is good money invested for kids and families and human well-being. But please no trees in pots. They must be properly in the ground with good drainage. I am not sure engineers here are able to do so over a tunnel roof. Get some proper expert from abroad with experience. Last time it failed over the skateboard park and all the jacaranda trees had to go. – Tom Grünweg

It will be constricted potted trees so the tunnel doesn’t crack. Plastic green grass. It will look like Borat’s village. – Robert Morrison

I’m sure this project will generate €35m over the course of never. Sensible planning, so long as you can afford it. Let the next guy worry about savings. – M. Micallef

Not weird that something cost way less in 2019, that’s practically with everything, especially building materials. But for sure, wait a little longer building it, it won’t get any more expensive than this. – Sil van Diepen

Impact assessments alone are ‘worthless’

Victor Axiaq has no shame saying this. Back in September 2018 when the ITS-DB application was first approved by the PA board, Axiaq said that he would vote in favour because all the necessary environmental impact studies were carried out. He said this to justify his yes vote during the PA board meeting in front of hundreds of objectors. In saying this, he ignored the fact that those same environmental studies showed categorically the significant impact that development (as proposed then) would have had on the area and on the people. – S. Camilleri

How about verifying the assertions being made by this man? Don’t expect us to accept these statements at face value. We do go out of our house once in a while and we see things different. – Joe Farrugia

Yeah, he is just another puppet clown! The proof is in the pudding, and anyone taking a stroll in these areas can easily see the crap hole they have turned Malta into, with their corrupt deals and lies! Words mean nothing Mr Axiaq! – E. Schembri

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