Banking during COVID times

It is desperately sad that a BOV employee who worked at the Mellieħa branch succumbed to the evil COVID virus and our hearts go out to her family and friends.

However, life must go on, and BOV must be aware that it was the only bank in Mellieħa open to the public – albeit at highly restrictive times. Now the good folk of Mellieħa, and any tourists staying in this village, are “bankless”.

Why did BOV take this inopportune moment to deprive customers, and any others, seeking such a vital banking service and for how long will it be “temporarily closed”?

This is the second time in recent months that the bank has closed this branch in Mellieħa.

What are the “tighter restrictions” claimed to be the rationale to limit branch services which are especially significant in a large village that has none?

BOV is restricting its withdrawals from within its branches to limited amounts. Why is the amount one wishes to withdraw restricted in this authoritarian manner?

Jacqueline Vella – Mellieħa

Human dignity

At a time when we have good or, at least, reasonable living conditions throughout Malta, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Times of Malta has informed us of the horrifying contrast with Malta’s migrant reception and detention centres, such as Ħal Far and Safi.

The recent report by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment found that about 90 per cent of people are illegally detained.

A detailed picture is given of appalling conditions of overcrowding, harsh treatment, lack of legal and medical communication and treatment and much neglect of any plans for their better future.

All this is the worst insult to the Christians of Malta whose faith was founded by a shipwrecked person from Africa, Saint Paul (who was welcomed and kindly treated).

I feel we must all insist on a rapid, thorough and visible improvement of this dire situation. The help of the EU’s funds and organisation is very important in view of its considerable scale.

A humane and legal system for all migrants, helping them to a better life, will add greatly to the spirit and prestige of Malta, which we see wherever it has followed its long established Christian ethic.

Christopher John Linskill – Ħamrun

Right to be born

In Brussels, Helena Dalli was justly applauded by parliamentarians following her announcement that she had just become a grandmother to baby Benjamin. I, too, would like to take this opportunity to congratulate her on hitting this new milestone.

Only two hours after Benjamin was born, Dalli addressed parliament expressing her desire for her grandson to be welcomed into a hate-free, humane Europe with the best possible chance to fulfil all that he is capable of being in life. I could not agree with her more and join her in her aspirations.

In the same spirit, therefore, I do humbly ask her to consider other women who may similarly aspire to becoming grandmothers and not to diminish their hopes of holding their own baby Benjamins by endorsing rights to abortion in our country.

If society does not wake up and smell the coffee, Benjamin may have trouble finding friends to play with – not simply friends who share his privilege of membership of a humane Europe or who have been granted a chance to fulfil their true potential… he may have trouble finding friends who were allowed to be born at all.

Suzette Muscat, executive secretary, Life Network Foundation Malta – Mosta


Glad to read that a new Kartanzjan scheme is returning to life. Allow me to suggest that we 80-year-olds and over at least be preferred by not staying for a long time at supermarkets, banks and other entities by creating a special queue for the aged.

That is why it was first created. The aged were preferred.

Carmel Theuma – Msida

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