The professionals

Prime Minister Robert Abela might be one of Malta’s best but why does he want to spoil it all by making a mockery of the present health difficulties? So may I, like many others, humbly suggest to him that, should he really want to be remembered as a good prime minister, he should leave the present health difficulties in the hands of the professionals, the medics.

Remaining static means that he has no confidence in his own medical professional experts.

Joseph Scicluna – St Julian’s

End of democracy?

I understand that our law courts have the prerogative of supremacy in meting out penalties to people who are found guilty of committing crimes.

I therefore ask: is this going to change if clauses numbers 96, 97 and 166 of the Equality Bill are passed through parliament?

If the answer is in the affirmative, can we then still continue to consider ourselves living in a democratic country?

Phyllis Sammut Smith – Gżira

Another aesthetic obscenity

The picture on page 7 of the Times of Malta last Saturday (right) is yet another piece of evidence of how the Planning Authority’s decision makers are the closest to aesthetic barbarians that this country of ours has ever had.

To allow an edifice of matchbox characteristics to completely shut out of open vision a beautiful edifice, as clearly evident in the pictures, shows to which levels the speculation and development lobbies have come to dominate all environmental and cultural decision  making in this dear country of ours.

Malta was beautiful… in the past!

John Consiglio – Birkirkara

Marriage is between men and women

Before the beginning of time, God had a dream. He dreamt that He would create a world where all creatures would live in harmony amid incomparable beauty. His dreams centred above all on man, the dearest of His creatures, since man was made ‘in His own image’.

Alas, it was not to be. Man and woman, his helpmate, could not resist the temptation offered by Satan and his envy. God’s plans were devastated. It was only the incarnation and the redemption wrought by Christ that turned the tables upon the devil.

Both the Old and the New Testament lay down clearly what God’s plans for man and woman were.

From the beginning, Scripture affirms that God created them ‘male and female’ and that they were created for one another. “It is not good for man to be alone.” God then blessed them while saying: “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.”

In His teachings, Jesus continues in the same vein as the Old Testament and decrees that: “From the beginning, He made them male and female. For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one” (Matthew 19.4).

By these words, Jesus not only elevates marriage to the level of a sacrament but affirms that human sexuality is ordered to the conjugal love of man and woman. All this is meant for the good of the spouses and the procreation of children.

It is clear that, if Christians want to be faithful to the Lord’s teachings, they have to emphatically declare that sexual relations should only take place between a man and a woman within the context of marriage as conceived by Christ.

Believers are, therefore, called upon to adhere to Jesus’s teachings, whatever the cost, always recalling and being comforted by His words: “Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away” (Matthew 24.25).

Jacqueline Calleja – Balzan

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