Kappara-Gżira tunnel

The residents of Kappara were glad to hear that government entities were planning to dig a pedestrian tunnel beneath the regional road to link Kappara with Gżira, just as welcome was the news that bus stops were to be placed on each side of the tunnel.

At last, there would be safe and convenient access for pedestrians between Gżira and Kappara as well as convenient access to public transport for residents in the locality.

Alas, this was not to be! The pedestrian tunnel was, in fact, constructed and bus stop markings painted on the road on each side of the tunnel; the local residents looked forward to using the new facilities.

Soon after the tunnel was completed, however, it became practically unusable.

The floor was full of dust, animal droppings and broken bottles, the fluorescent lighting in the tunnel was vandalised and glass strewn all over the floor.

After several weeks, the mess was belatedly cleaned up and one hopes that cleaning inspections will now start to take place regularly.

In the meantime, the fluorescent lighting was not replaced and, with no light in the tunnel, nobody would dare to use it at night. To make matters worse, the light bulbs on the pole on the Regional Road centre strip close to the tunnel have not been working for months, plunging the whole area into even greater darkness. This also needs to be urgently fixed.

The bus stops are an equally sad story. No bus stop signage was put up and, for some mysterious reason, the bus stop markings, which had been painted on the road, were erased. The bus stop project seems to have been completely abandoned and the lack of bus stops in the area continues to cause severe inconvenience to anyone wishing to use public transport to enter or leave Kappara.

What a sad situation for a project which could have such great benefits for the residents of Kappara and Gżira.

Edward Firman – Kappara

Beautiful but harmful air show

Photo: Jonathan BorgPhoto: Jonathan Borg

The air show was wonderful. But I wonder how long such shows will be permitted anywhere in the world seeing the amount of greenhouse emissions they cause.

Notwithstanding the numerous promises to cut down on air pollution, one wonders if those concerned are seriously aware of the tremendous harm this is causing our planet.

 Why is it so difficult to convince stakeholders of the immense harm that such shows are causing?

I am hoping and praying that activists for the welfare of our only planet will continue and increase their evocative protests and insightful public education regarding this issue. It is a matter of life or death, especially for upcoming generations.

Albert Said – Naxxar

Another tragedy

One serious accident at the workplace is one too many.

Tuesday’s treatment of a worker who was injured at work is nothing less than inhuman.

May I ask how many health and safety officers do we have in our country? How many inspectors do we have checking whether workers are legally employed and decently paid?

Dare I hope for a reply or a PQ?

Rev Joe Inguanez, national chaplain, Żgħażagħ Ħaddiema Nsara – Floriana

More roads, more vehicles

Instead of investing heavily in an efficient and continuous public transport system, the government has built six-lane motorways and multi flyovers to further entice us to use our cars.

Moreover, despite the pleasant and quick sea crossing provided by our efficient ferries, a superfluous tunnel is being proposed to infest Gozo with thousands of cars.

Joe Bharwani – Floriana

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