Please save Sliema house

Recently I sadly read in Times of Malta that some developer intends to demolish a very old house in Manwel Dimech Street, Sliema.

This house is very old, full of character, the cellar is like a cave, the garden is huge and full of fruit trees – about 30 orange trees and more, the garden is in steps leading down to the gate facing Viani Street and inside one of the rooms there is an eight-pointed cross engraved on an arch.

There might not be any other house left like it. I know it well because I lived in it.

Heritage Malta please do your best to save it.

Maria Grech – Sliema

Extreme measures against the Uyghurs

Demonstrators protest against China’s treatment of the Uyghurs outside the Belgium parliament in Brussels. Photo: AFPDemonstrators protest against China’s treatment of the Uyghurs outside the Belgium parliament in Brussels. Photo: AFP

I find it rather naive of John Guillaumier to support such extreme repressive measures that the Chinese Communist government is applying against the Muslim Uyghur population as a sort of nib-it-in-the-bud policy for preventing social unrest. (September 3)

World leaders, NGOs and the free press have been constantly reporting that what is at stake is the imposition of communist ideology on minority groups to eliminate their identity and so have ideological uniformity in China. Under Mao Zedong it was the same dress code, under Xi Jinping the same Communist diktat.

The problem today is that scientific and digital developments are being effectively applied to control and manipulate the population. Liberty, freedom and identity have no place in this world view.

What is allowed is homo faber not homo sapiens.

Fr John Sammut – Mosta

Helpless unborn child

I fully agree with Sonia Resford that women should be allowed to be in charge of their own bodies. What I do not agree with is that she claims some God-given right to kill the child in her body. Not her body but the body of a helpless unborn child.

Margaret Parnis England – Kappara

Treatment of Maltese Canadians

It is very disappointing to be treated as second-class citizens.

Maltese Canadians who have been fully vaccinated with the same Pfizer vaccine as our American neighbours must quarantine for 14 days when arriving in Malta.

This is an insult to expats who have been fully vaccinated and creates an unfair hardship.

In Canada we have less COVID-19 cases per capita than the American population.  

Our rates of fully vaccinated are higher than that of our American neighbours. In the province of Ontario, 80 per cent of the population is fully vaccinated.

Yet Maltese-Americans from most states are allowed to travel to Malta unencumbered. Why are we being treated like this?

Currently there is an ongoing effort to create vaccine passports in Ontario and even federally in Ottawa.

There is absolutely no reason why a Maltese Canadian (holding dual citizenship) who owns property in Malta and is fully vaccinated should be required to quarantine for 14 days.

I have already sent my concerns to the Superintendant of Public Health in Malta and my inquiry has been totally ignored.

Jim Muscat – Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Defending Marsascala

Well done to the residents of Marsascala for defending their sea and their locality.

We have seen enough of open spaces being taken over by a few rich people. First it was the rural areas, then the building frenzy, now it is turn of our beautiful sea being taken over by privileged few. 

People please stand up and be counted. Enough is enough.

Francis Vella – Mosta

Treading on toes

Our prime minister gives the strong impression of being terrified to tread on certain people’s toes. The truth is these toes should not even be there. They are gangrenous and poisoning the whole of our society.  They should be amputated.

Carmel Sciberras – Naxxar

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