On a wet, dreary Sunday afternoon, as I scrolled through some YouTube videos, a video of a Nationalist Party mass meeting floated across the screen. As the roar of the crowd grew louder, the palpable excitement oozing into my living room, I was taken back to those years, when I stood in that crowd as a child. I remember how proud I felt being part of a country that knew where it wanted to go. These were times when forming part of a political group, whichever it was, meant you cared about your country… its future… your future.

Fast forward to today, when, as soon as the word ‘politics’ is brought up, a sense of foreboding fills the room. Arguments spill across the dinner table and subtly (or not subtly) silenced. Still, it is, such discussions which teach us and open up our minds. But the notion of politics has been corrupted. The misconception that has now replaced the original idea is that of impurity. Something which has been tainted, the restoration of which is impossible.

This is by no means a novel situation, relative only to Malta, and it also does not mean all was well and good in the world of politics in times gone by. But, today, perhaps more than ever, the perception of politics in Malta is that it is a dirty game and with all that money and power, coupled with some not so principled persons, then, well, it is no wonder.

But this is not what politics is about. Politics is about a law-making process affecting people’s lives, it is about logistics which affect people’s lives, about projects, which affect people’s lives…. It is about people’s lives! If someone enters the political sphere for individual glorification then that is exactly what we will get… dirty politics.

This, then, transcends into a laissez-faire attitude among citizens, which furthermore trickles into families and personal relationships. One should enter politics for one reason and that is to want to make a change for the people. Simple as that.

If we want to live a better life, real change, however, starts from the bottom up. Yes, politics may be a term you shudder to hear, it might even be simply boring but, in the end, it is you that votes for the individuals that represent you. It is you that needs to fight against dirty politics and fight for a better Malta.

One should enter politics for one reason and that is to want to make a change for the people- Rebekah Cilia

Recently, the PN launched its new slogan, ‘A New Page’ (Paġna Ġdida), and while looking forward to making the necessary changes is the vision we require, we must not forget our past. A past that made me proud to form part of a political group, a past where we had enthusiasm and passion. A past which also included mistakes but the PN is made up of human beings and, as human beings, we blunder.

But as we look back, we learn and move forward. Today, youths are filling the heavy walls of the headquarters building. Passion, discussions, enthusiasm echo all across the corridors. Diversity and acceptance are not just buzzwords but are visible in the rooms where we gather… socially distanced, of course. This is the PN we need.

As a child grows up and emerges even stronger due to his experiences, then so must a political party. We need a strong party which can ensure a sturdy opposition; it is the only way for democracy to work.

We need a party that is made up of human beings, who are not perfect, who acknowledge their mistakes but know that their actions were always based on principle and not ego or money or power.

The PN is right there, gathering in new people. People filled with passion, knowledge, pride for their country and, most of all, having a thirst for change. People who are putting their expertise to good use and coming up with policies on a number of important topics, which policies can be our future.

The PN is getting ready to make us proud to be part of a political group once again, to feel the sense of pride deep within.

The PN is rising back up.

Rebekah Cilia is an engineer and PN candidate.

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