Since choosing to live in Gozo over a decade ago, I have been regularly perplexed by the national schizophrenia so apparent in many walks of life. On the one hand, I have experienced great friendliness and immense generosity with many going well out of their way to explain, help and guide.
Against this, I have experienced and observed some of the worst individual and social behaviour possible. Intense disregard for others and not just those disparaged as ‘foreigners’ (most especially those of that darker colour) often accompanied by considerable aggression is routine and even considered ‘normal’.
There appear to be two primary Maltas at the moment, both often inhabited by the very same people. One is that Malta of the daily scandal, criminality, pumped-up ego and power tripping accompanied by a deep superficiality. That Malta, most represented by our construction moguls, our shallowest politicians, and their cabal of ‘entitled’ family, lackeys, and assorted hangers-on. That intensely ugly, fake, and currently suffocating Malta.
That Malta is most frequently observed and commented upon from beyond our immediate shores but willingly supported by a large cohort of voters.
And then there is, thankfully, that other Malta.
The one characterised by those who are appalled by what has been and is being done to their land and its people. The Malta that quietly despairs for the future of its children. The Malta that is sickened by the culture and base dishonesty of the other Malta, and one that often takes great risks to speak out, expose and challenge. The Malta that is the backbone of any community.
That Malta is seldom recognised or respected, but routinely ridiculed and attacked in our current dominant culture, It is nonetheless a Malta of unrealised significance.
Sadly, many Maltese and Gozitans appear to be happy to inhabit these two Maltas simultaneously. They are happy to accept the short-term contracts, favours, jobs, and bribes while bemoaning the very deep losses in culture, environment, meaning and identity. Many appear to assert their satisfaction with the country’s ‘direction’ while simultaneously holding their noses at its reality.
There are, of course, many other Maltas. Not least that which decries the country’s atrophied politics, most often a younger Malta intent on not just a different life but also a different politics.
And that inspiring Malta that has never ceased to confront the criminality at considerable personal and family cost. That Malta is passionately concerned for the country’s future environment, its legal credibility, and its democratic sustainability.
In such a context, Malta’s existing political structure is clearly unfit for purpose as it no longer serves the population. This is evident in the growing numbers of disaffected or ‘unattached voters’ whose numbers are most likely underestimated, and increasingly so.
It is clear that the PN has imploded as a political force and is currently failing Malta and offering precious little by way of opposition or even hope. One of the key realities that allows the current regime to continue in power is the view routinely stated (and erroneously believed) that there is no realistic alternative.
The current Castille regime is now significantly out of control and its current leaders clearly intent on plundering the state and its people for their personal benefit. The greed of its leaders and backers appears to know no boundaries and will eventually lead to its inevitable downfall, earlier than many expect. Its apparent invincibility, its arrogance and its disdain for Malta and the Maltese will be its undoing.
But, in the meantime and in the face of the silence and acquiescence of so many, the damage being done is incalculable. And it will take decades to mitigate and undo.
But that is the political landscape we face and the one that should be the focus of not just our anger but crucially also our hope.