As Malta today hosts the Med9 meeting, which will mainly focus on artificial intelligence, I’d like to share my thoughts on the evolving technology and Malta’s efforts in reaping the benefits of evolving technologies, as the meeting will no doubt serve as an epicentre of knowledge exchange and collaboration for a robust AI infrastructure.

When the words artificial intelligence pop up, we tend to have mixed feelings on the pros and cons of this evolving technology. However, meetings like the one being held in Malta, under the auspices of my ministry, are pivotal in shaping the future of this transformative technology.

The benefits of AI are vast and transformative, touching nearly every aspect of our lives. As AI continues to evolve and mature, its potential to improve efficiency, enhance decision-making and address complex challenges is limitless. However, it is essential to approach AI development and deployment responsibly, ensuring that ethical considerations and potential risks are carefully managed. With responsible AI adoption, we can harness its benefits to create a brighter and more innovative future for all.

Only last week, in her State of the Union address, European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen highlighted the massive opportunities AI will bring about but also warned about the perils of this technology, which puts a load of responsibility on our shoulders. This concern, she said, should be addressed globally in terms of mitigating such risks.

As a starting point, our discussion during the Med9 meeting will predominantly focus on how we, as the nine EU Mediterranean countries, can collaborate together and share best practices, undertake joint projects and research initiatives, with the common goal: applying a trustworthy AI that will lead to better quality of lives for our people.

We will also aim to kickstart a process which would lead to the creation of an AI body of excellence in the Mediterranean.

From the very start, as a government, we have been embracing the changes in technology. And the private sector no less.

Malta was the first country to introduce a regulatory framework for blockchain-based businesses, for instance.

Our digital status has made us proud on countless occasions, as Malta has been rated among the top performers in the EU when it comes to digital public services and the digital economy as a whole.

AI is here and is a powerful and transformative force that is reshaping our world across industries- Silvio Schembri

But, in the light of such efforts, we will continue to work to ensure that the Digital Decade Programme for 2030 will enhance the digital skills of our workforce and, in tandem, reduce the digital divide.

Among our priorities, during the meeting we will discuss the myriad of opportunities tied to AI but, most importantly, how best to use trustworthy AI technologies in the fight against cyber threats, strengthen regional collaboration between the participating countries and unlock AI’s potential in the public and private sectors.

Last but not least, in the margins of the same meeting, until Thursday, we are holding the first digital industry expo – TechXpo – a showcase of evolving and innovative technologies under the theme ‘AI meets industry’.

Industry leaders will showcase their latest innovations while, at the same time, a number of presentations highlighting Malta’s economic strengths and resilience will be projected.

Artificial intelligence is no longer a futuristic concept; it is here and it is a powerful and transformative force that is reshaping our world across industries, from healthcare and finance to education and entertainment. As AI becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives, it is important to recognise and celebrate the myriad benefits it brings but, most of all, in the most responsible and ethical of ways.

I have no doubt that the two-day meetings will serve as a good springboard for more collaboration towards establishing the Mediterranean as a global region of excellence for AI development.

Silvio Schembri is Minister for the Economy, EU Funds and Lands.

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