On Friday, April 29, the president and council of the Maltese-French Chamber of Commerce hosted a social event to welcome Her Excellency, Madame Agnes Von der Muhl, as the French Ambassador to Malta.

Joseph Bugeja, president, MFCC expressed his honour to host Ambassador Von der Muhl, this being her first attendance to the customary social and networking events the Chamber organises throughout the year.

The event emanated from the close collaboration that the Maltese French Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of France have managed to forge over the past years. It also provided a unique opportunity to formally introduce the Maltese-French Chamber of Commerce to Her Excellency and acted as an informal setting where all guests had the opportunity to network and personally meet Madame Von der Muhl. The president further recognised how much care and interest Her Excellency had shown in her past diplomatic placements and work in developing closer diplomatic relations between nations. The MFCC council was very much encouraged by all this experience and looked forward to share success stories and explore new ways how it could work together through the Embassy’s expanded network and contacts. The council already noticed the sheer dynamism shown by Her Excellency during the various cordial meetings, and it was very honoured to work closely with the French Embassy ‘as facilitators’ and contribute to development of business relationships in the interest of both countries.

The Maltese-French Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organisation composed of professional entrepreneurs who dedicate their personal time for the vision and objectives of the chamber. In 2019, the chamber celebrated its 30th anniversary from its establishment. We are pleased to note that our initiatives render added value to the Embassy as well as to its members. The council is presently working on several initiatives for the current year.

The president thanked the loyal members, who continue to support MFCC activities through their membership and direct participation. He furthermore thanked the sponsors, namely Bank of Valletta, RCI Insurance, and Malta Government Investments.

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