The following are the top stories in national newspapers today.

Times of Malta says that Sai Mizzi Liang’s performance as Malta’s special envoy to Asia remains under wraps as the government would not give any information despite promises to the contrary. In another story, it says rerouting traffic flows and chopping residential parking slots are among suggestions made by a new transport lobby group to mitigate congestion during the Kappara junction works.

The Malta Independent refers to an email between exchange between former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills and former Ambassador Douglas Kmiec which says staff from former US President George W Bush’s government tried to ‘over-reach’ in pursuing a Status of Forces Agreement with Malta and thought they could ‘push a small country around’.

In-Nazzjon says Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi has been advised to keep away from the media.

L-Orizzont says that Egypt's renowned Islamic institution Azhar al-sharif does not consider IS to be infidels.

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