Music by a Maltese tenor and pianist duo filled the air and warmed the hearts of an audience packed into a hall above an old winery in Gardie, a tiny village in the Languedoc wine region in the south of France on Sunday, October 22.

Tenor Alan Sciberras and pianist Alexei Galea Cavallazi performed in a concert called "La Nuit de l'Opera" [A night of opera] wakening the sleepy little village.

There was a palpable sense of excitement as people lined up outside and then filled the hall at the old winery 'Domaine Costabelle', fondly referred to as the mill by locals, because a water mill once stood near the site.

In this welcoming atmosphere, Scibberas sang a variety of arias from composers such as Puccini, Bizet and Massenet, masterfully accompanied by Galea Cavallazzi.

The pianist also performed three solo piano pieces from Alexander Scriabin's Piano Solo, which were perfect intermezzos between the arias, uplifting, contemplative and stirring.

The tenor's powerful voice raised the rafters in the warm space beneath the heavy wooden roof whose acoustics lent themselves perfectly to the musical soirée.

Eyebrows were raised when the audience heard the tenor sing the first aria from Bizet's Carmen, realising they were in for a real treat. 

What followed was a mellifluous journey of emotions delivered by Sciberras.

His warm, dark-toned voice was both powerful and equally tender when required, moving the concertgoers into an immersive experience. 

Tenor Alan Sciberras singing in 'A night of opera' in Gardie in the South of France. Photo: Daniela PeressoTenor Alan Sciberras singing in 'A night of opera' in Gardie in the South of France. Photo: Daniela Peresso

He chose to walk among the audience at times, singing beautifully and making it look effortless, charming the viewers and even inviting one to dance during Non ti scordar di me.

The rapport between the pianist and the tenor led to a harmonious performance that will long remain impressed in the minds of all who attended.

Appreciation was immediately shown as the duo received two standing ovations and they obliged with an encore where the tenor sang Nessun dorma.

A get-together followed after the concert where the audience had the chance to meet the performers and the hall filled with the chatter of a community coming together.

Appreciative comments abounded during this time, with one concertgoer exclaiming "Quel magnifique moment nous avons passé!" [What a wonderful time we had!]

Audience members were treated to wine from a nearby winery, Domaine Garrabou, and delicious appetisers prepared by a volunteer.

The concert was the fruit of cooperation.

A speech was given by the mayor of Gardie Jean Roger as well as an introduction by Michel Simoni, the president of the organisation that put on the concert.

The organisation "Les Clochers du Barris", was born of collaboration between the nearby villages.

It organises events such as hikes, and concerts to raise funds to restore the village churches and for the conservation of local heritage.

The organisation reached out to Xenia Lorenz-Rebers, a German cultural manager based in Malta, who has made the area a second home.

She proposed a concert with Maltese artists suggesting they invite pianist, organist and conductor Alexei Galea Cavallazzi with whom she had collaborated and tenor Alan Sciberras and she volunteered to be the artistic director for the concert.

The cultural manager offered to hold the concert in the winery which she is lovingly restoring with her husband Dr Ulrich Rebers who provided technical assistance.

The couple provided the atmospheric setting for the concert, fast-tracking works as well as loaning their piano and getting it tuned for the occasion.

"The arts are powerful tools that bring different cultures together," Lorenz-Rebers said, explaining the concert had laid the foundations for a "cultural bridge" between Malta and France and beyond.

The Languedoc region is also home to a thriving expat community, some of whom attended the concert, together with locals and even some visitors from Malta.

"The region and such events are a cultural melting pot," she concluded.

From the left: Monique de Hevro, Alexei Galea Cavallazzi (piano), Charlotte Rebers, Xenia Lorenz-Rebers (Artistic Director), Alan Sciberras (Tenor), Dr.Ulrich Rebers, Michel Simoni (President - Les clochers du Barris). Photo: Didier GuillonFrom the left: Monique de Hevro, Alexei Galea Cavallazzi (piano), Charlotte Rebers, Xenia Lorenz-Rebers (Artistic Director), Alan Sciberras (Tenor), Dr.Ulrich Rebers, Michel Simoni (President - Les clochers du Barris). Photo: Didier Guillon

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