A man who allegedly punched his partner, tied her hands, dragged her and locked her inside a chicken coop, blaming her for the loss of three chicks, has been remanded in custody.

The nine-hour-long ordeal took place just three days before Christmas at a farmhouse in the limits of Siġġiewi, where the 47-year-old man lived with his partner.

The victim, who has two minor children with the accused, both of whom are under a care order, fled the farmhouse and hitched a lift to the Żurrieq police station to file a domestic abuse report. 

She told the domestic violence unit that early on December 22 her partner had headed out to the chicken coop. 

He soon returned to the bedroom where she was making their bed and flung three dead chicks at her, blaming her for the loss. 

The accused then pushed her onto the terrace, threatening that she would “never again step inside” and shut the door.

The woman remained on the terrace for over two hours until she noticed that the kitchen window was ajar. 

She slipped inside through the window, but when her partner found her there, he allegedly punched her, fastened her hands with a tie clip and dragged her outside, bundling her into the hen house.

He untied her hands and went out, locking the door behind him. 

The woman realised she still had her mobile phone on her, so she dialled the 112 emergency number to ask for help. But the accused returned, snatched her phone and left the chicken coop.

She recalled hearing him slam the phone on the floor and realised he had left the door unlocked. 

The woman slipped out, walked to a nearby road and hitched a ride with a woman who took her to the Żurrieq police station from where she was escorted to the domestic violence unit. 

Her injuries were certified as slight when she was examined at the Floriana health clinic.

Appoġġ officers deemed the case as one of high risk and the suspected aggressor was subsequently arrested.

On Saturday he was charged with holding the alleged victim against her will, causing her fear of violence, assaulting and slightly injuring her as well as wilfully damaging her mobile phone. 

He was also charged with unlawful possession of cannabis.

The accused pleaded not guilty and requested bail.

However, the request was objected to by the prosecution and after hearing submissions by both parties, the court, presided over by Magistrate Caroline Farrugia Frendo, denied bail.

The court also ordered a ban on the names of both parties. 

Inspector Colin Sheldon prosecuted. 

Lawyer Joseph Bonnici was legal aid counsel. 

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