A 62-year-old man cried in court on Thursday as he pleaded guilty to charges of non-consensual sexual acts and harassing a female work colleague. 

The police said they received a complaint on Tuesday and the accused turned up at the police station within minutes of being summoned. 

The complaint stemmed from certain words and gestures which the woman felt were sexual harassment. 

An arrest warrant was issued on Wednesday, resulting in the man's arraignment on Thursday afternoon. 

Wearing bermudas, T-shirt and flip flops, the man wept throughout the initial stage of the arraignment as his wife and daughter sat behind him. 

"Calm down," said Magistrate Joseph Gatt, as the accused cried. 

He spoke through his tears when asked for his personal details which were banned from publication, along with those of his victim and their workplace as well as his job. 

He pleaded guilty and confirmed that admission after being given time to reconsider and consult his lawyers again. 

When making submissions on punishment, his lawyers stressed that their client had no criminal record, had cooperated and registered an early admission. 

The defence and prosecution agreed that a term of probation would be adequate punishment in the circumstances.

The court asked about his current situation and was told that he has been suspended from his job while the victim still works there. 

Having understood the circumstances and since the accused showed remorse, the court placed the man under a three-year probation order as well as a restraining order. 

"You must be careful. You must not fail. Now you're under a restraining order, that woman does not exist as far as you're concerned, " warned the Magistrate as the man wept. 

As the hearing came to an end, he approached his wife, seated at the back of the hall, and hugged her, weeping like a child. 

AG lawyer Danika Vella and Inspector Kevin Pulis prosecuted. Lawyers Michael Sciriha and Paul Gauci Maestre were defence counsel.

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