A man who got into a drunken altercation with five police officers has been fined €900 after admitting to the charges brought against him. 

Joseph Camilleri was arraigned in court on Friday and charged with threatening and insulting five police officers during the course of their duties, threatening and insulting a third man as well as threatening to throw stones at another two men who were on the site of the incident. 

The circumstances surrounding the altercation were not discussed in open court. 

Legal aid lawyer Martin Farrugia said that the 49-year-old builder from Tarxien wanted to plead guilty to the charges as he was sorry about the incident and was taking steps to address his drinking problem. 

“He is trying to find his way back to the path of good,” Farrguia said. 

Prosecuting inspector Antonello Magri said in view of the accused’s cooperation with the police, the prosecution would settle for a fine, even towards the lower end, but would insist on a restraining order for one of the victims. 

After giving him time to reconsider his plea, Magistrate Abigail Critien found Camilleri guilty by his own admission and sentenced him to a fine of €900.

He was ordered not to approach one of the victims for two years. 

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