A man who showed up outside his estranged partner's house with a chef's knife has been handed a suspended sentence.

The 28-year old Valletta resident was arrested over January 3 incident when the woman went to the police to alert them about a threatening call she had received from her ex a while before.

Soon after, at around 11pm, the visibly angry man turned up outside the woman’s Valletta home, ringing the doorbell, shouting and brandishing the knife in front of the intercom, while the woman’s new partner allegedly witnessed the scene from inside.

He was arrested shortly afterwards.

On Wednesday the man was escorted to court, facing charges for harassing, threatening and insulting the alleged victim, causing her fear of violence as well as using electronic equipment to threaten his alleged victim.

He was also charged with unlawful possession of a knife.

The man registered a guilty plea.

Long history of police reports

Prosecuting Inspector Eman Hayman told the court that although the couple’s relationship had ended, problems persisted over issues of maintenance payments and access to the couple’s children.

In fact the former couple had a history of police reports over incidents which, however, had not been as serious as the latest episode, the court was told.

The man’s lawyer, Jean Carl Abela, explained that it was not the first time that the father was denied access after trying to visit his children after work.

His former partner was allegedly insisting on receiving some €400 due as maintenance before allowing the accused access to the children, went on the lawyer.

As for the knife, that was an instrument which the man carried to and from work, explained the lawyer.

The knife had been found inside the accused’s bag, said the prosecutor, pointing out that during questioning the man had admitted that he meant to scare his ex.

However, the inspector also pointed out that the accused worked long hours and often was unable to see his children.

The father clearly needed help but prison would not be an ideal solution in this case, added Inspector Hayman.

In light of his own admission and after hearing submissions by both parties the court, presided over by magistrate Rachel Montebello, condemned the accused to a two-year jail term suspended for three years.

The court also placed him under a restraining order applicable for one year, warning the accused about the legal consequences he would face if he were to breach such order.

He was also fined €200 for the unlawful possession of the knife which was to be destroyed under court order.

Finally the court directed that any communication about issues over access to the children was to take place through the parties’ lawyers.

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