The Malta College for Arts, Science, and Technology has issued its prospectus for the academic year 2022-23. The prospectus was presented during a seminar attended by over 80 career guidance professionals.

The publication, which is also available digitally, includes details on all 190 full-time courses offered by the College, from introductory level courses to Master's level.

Mcast said six new courses will be offered from October, reflecting industry skills needs. They are: Advanced Diploma for Dental Surgery Assistants; Diploma in Cabin Crew Training; Undergraduate Diploma in Auto Electronic and Electrical Technology; Master of Science in Advanced Clinical Practice; Master of Science in Professional Health Practice and Master in Social Care Practice.

During the launch, college alumni and current students shared the stories of their learning journey, emphasising the relevance of courses to the world of employment.

Industry professionals representing various sectors spoke about the need to raise awareness of the skills and competencies required and the importance of apprenticeships to equip students with the right attitude for the workplace.

Students may contact Mcast Career guidance services on 2398 7135/6 or

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