Mdina is being lit blue on Wednesday evening as Malta, through the Marigold Foundation, joins the rest of the international autism community in marking World Autism Month.

This year’s "lighting up" event has an even deeper meaning since apart from raising awareness on autism, it also expresses solidarity for the additional challenges that families on the spectrum have to endure while coping with social distancing and self-isolation, which are necessary to contain Covid-19.

For a lot of autistic people, having to stay within confined spaces for a prolonged period is a bigger challenge than for most others as it leads to additional anxiety and stress. 

Working hand in hand with the Autism Parents Association, the Marigold Foundation expressed solidarity with families going through this challenging period and called on society to be more supportive and understanding especially during this time.

Although the annual symbolic gathering at Mdina Gate has this year been cancelled, the foundation is committed to continue to raise awareness and help NGOs working in the field of autism throughout the year. 

The foundation said it also dedicated the blue light to the ongoing work of all healthcare professionals, doctors and nurses, security forces and all the people at the Public Cleansing Department for making Malta a safer place.

To donate to help spread awareness on autism and help families, once can call 
5170 2052 to donate €15, 5180 2053 to donate €25, SMS 5061 9238 to donate €11.65 or use BOV mobile pay, 9991 2373 to donate any amount.

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