Media owners have joined forces to set up the first media lobby association to lobby for print and digital media organisations.

AMO, the Association of Media Owners has been set up and is represented by six media companies: Allied Newspapers Ltd, Media.Link Co Ltd, MediaToday Co Ltd, Sound Vision Co Ltd, Standard Publications Co Ltd and Union Print Co Ltd.  

AMO said it aims to ensure that any legislation enacted, or regulations issued by the government or authorities, will not endanger the prosperity or impair the welfare of its members.

The association said it will aim to protect the economic structure of print and digital media owners, their moral and material rights and interests to ensure the advancement of good quality journalism and solidify the fundamental right of freedom of information.

AMO said it will seek to obtain and raise funding and other forms of financial assistance for the local print and digital media industry, including via programmes and/or schemes maintained by national and European institutions.

AMO said it will aim to establish and maintain dialogue with governments, institutions, business organisations, international agencies and accredited experts, and to establish contacts, liaise and conclude agreements of cooperation with other similar institutions or associations.

The association is open to all those print and digital media organisations that are backed by a full-time newsroom of at least seven journalists and three media workers.

Allied Newspapers Ltd, which publishes Times of Malta said: "Allied Newspapers Limited is the only media company in Malta that boasts a unique structure where its editorial platform and the content it produces operate independently and without interference from the company’s management.

"The company’s participation in this association, will, therefore, have absolutely no impact on Times of Malta’s journalism. Furthermore, editorial is free to scrutinise the operations of the new association, as is the case with all other local organisations."


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